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starter 1996 gsx

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Ok so I sent an engine out for a rebuild got it back the day before got ready to go to the lake on vacation and I got it in and went to fire it up and it wouldn't turn over took the plugs out and it cranked great. I thought timing right? Place I sent it to didn't set it like they said so I went ahead and set it according to the manual.went to fire it again and the same but not as bad it would slowly turn over so timmyboy and swampwrench started saying starter and when I put it on when I started putting the motor in the starter never did fit in like I remembered. There is a gap when I try to bolt it on. Could it not be engaging properly? The teeth on the starter seem in good condition and its not the o ring I looked at that. When I tighten it up there is a gap about 1/16 between the starter and engine. Why doesn't it just go in its hole? Please help and thanks for what I've gotten already!
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is it put in right? twist it around, until it fits. bring it to autozone or and auto parts store and have them test it.
I think so i mean it only lines up one way with the way the poss and ground come out of it so it has to be the right way. And ive twisted the gear and jiggled it up but it will only go so far into the hole.
if there isnt enuf room, to pull mag off, and inspect it that way...:(

Turn the pto, and at same time, try install'n the starter, if it falls in, then you know somethting in there, throw'n it off.
yeah i was trying to rotate it and shove it in, kinda like playing twister but it wont go in all the way. i can get my fingers in there and there aren't any shavings or anything i can feel so i will take it off tonight. im just sick of taking the exhaust off and on off and on..
I took the starter out and to auto zone and they really couldnt test it there it does turn and engage but he couldnt tell me how many amps it had. So i dropped it at an alternator and starter shop and they are going to tear it apart tomorrow for me so hopefully its the problem. Im going to take the mag cover off tonight when i get off work. How far into it do i need to go to find or not find what i am looking for?
I reciever my starter back today from a starter shop and he said it was like brand new so im back to the drawing board:(
I don't know if this sounds stupid but could my fly wheel have been installed backwards? When I stick my finger in the back of the mag housing the flywheel is a half an inch from the out side of the mag cover where the starters supposed to fit up to. The gear on the starter is further than that from the base of the starter. Its like the starter gear hits the flywheel before the starter is tight. Isn't it supposed th move out and engage the flywheel when under power?
I was wrong I just measured it and it has clearance but what I think may have happened is during shipping it may have been dropped and the mag cover may have bent so the starter hole is not round anymore. Is there a way it could be fixed?
Well i measured the hole that the starter slides into on the mag cover and it was smaller like it was dropped in shipping the new motor back to me. I ground it out a little on the bottom side and the starter bolts up flush now and since i had the motor out again i re checked the timing and it is correct now. I hope this was it and the engine will crank now.:)
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