I've got an '04 Speedster 200. Just had a new battery put in today, and after running for about an hour, the engine started revving at high RPMs but with no power.
After shutting the engine, I couldn't restart at all, and got no beeps at all when attaching the lanyard. Also, the gas gauge died and all the starboard engine readouts were dead.
I eventually got the port engine started and limped back to dock, but the starboard engine is still dead, along with the gas gauge and no audible beeps when connecting the lanyard.
Any thoughts? We tried looking for loose cables or hoses and didn't see anything obvious.
After shutting the engine, I couldn't restart at all, and got no beeps at all when attaching the lanyard. Also, the gas gauge died and all the starboard engine readouts were dead.
I eventually got the port engine started and limped back to dock, but the starboard engine is still dead, along with the gas gauge and no audible beeps when connecting the lanyard.
Any thoughts? We tried looking for loose cables or hoses and didn't see anything obvious.