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Some 1997 GTX Help

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New Member
Just did a complete overhaul on this ski. Put in a new long block from SBT, pulled the petcock out and cleaned, pulled the baffle out and cleaned, new fuel lines, carbs rebuilt and a new diaphram. As recommended by SBT, still running the premix in the tank, and also my injector still hooked up. I reduced the premix as stated by SBT to allow for injector, but I think my injector is putting in too much oil, because not running right, and when pulled out of water on saturday, and ran to blow water out, getting a sludge like substance coming out the exhaust, a lot of oil. My question, not sure how to adjust the injector, the stock setting, and should I back it off some while running premix then back to original setting. Any help on how to adjust this would be great.
Ok. You will need a mirror, a 10mm wrench, and some light. You need to be a contortionist also. There are some alighnment marks on the oil injection pump. They need to be even. To adjust this you will need to make sure that the idle adjustment is good and the RPMS are good. Then you loosen the oil cable nut to bracket and adjust it there. Keep an eye on the mirror. It is the only way to see the pump. Good luck.
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