Solas or Worx Intake Grate?


New Member
Does anyone have experience with a Solas or Worx intake grate on a x-4 haul? I have a spx 787 and don't know If I want to spend the extra $100 for a Worx than Solas. The Solas one I'm looking at is around $125 and Worx is around $220. Solas makes great props, so I'd think is good but I'm not sure.
I have a worx intake on my spx and it does good but I have nothing to compare that to because this is what came on it when I bought it. Hooks up really well in rough water.
I have a worx intake on my spx and it does good but I have nothing to compare that to because this is what came on it when I bought it. Hooks up really well in rough water.
Yeah, rough water is the issue I'm dealing with. It's always out the water and the stock grate isn't keeping my pump full.