Actually.......the 720's were how the Speedster got the Water Ski association sticker on the back (so I was told way back in the day, hence the SK model). The 787's are in and out (rave valves) at the sweet spot for skiing. But, once you learn how to drive the boat you know where and when it's gonna happen, like in a turn and what not you can compensate and keep the power smooth as silk. When I'm behind the boat (rare any more) the wife has a hard time. Like when my 14 yo son and I were in the tube last summer. I swear we were flat out, then we were laid out in the turn. It's always great when you hear your neck make noises when you bail. After the pain went away we laughed about it. I think that was the 5th time she ever drove the boat and we bought new, she cosigned for me, LOL.