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Smokey + Oil out the exhaust ’96 GTX - please tell me nothing is wrong

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New Member
We have a Sea Doo 1996 GTX (2 stroke) that we purchased about year ago.

It ran fine all last year then we had it stored indoors / heated storage.

We just took it out from storage yesterday.

I put in new spark plugs and cleaned the inside of the engine compartment with Gunk engine cleaner, rinsed with water from a hose with the bow high and the drain plugs open, washed & waxed the outside and put in a new battery + topped off the oil with XP-X mineral oil as recommended by the local Sea Doo dealer.

I started it in the driveway briefly; it ran for less than 1 minute. It ran very smoky.

Out of the exhaust I got a small puddle of oil, about enough to saturate one paper towel.

I wiped it up and repeated this start / run for 1 minute procedure with the same results. Again it ran smoky plus I got a small puddle of oil that came out of the exhaust.

The oil seemed pretty much like oil, not an oil / water mix.

Do I have anything to worry about?

Is it possible that over the winter some of the oil simply seeped into the exhaust and after we go for our first run of the season the oil will burn off and not be a issue? This is what I am hoping but my confidence is low.
its possible, along with fact, that the pipe is saturated with oil, internally. So maybe, just had water sit'n in there all year, and broke the crap down, and thats hat your seeing....I'd hit the water, and clean-ur-out.
Yes the epa regulations, if they catch you on the water with an huge oil slick behind you, you may get a fine. So be carefull on the water
Actually what you see in the driveway on the hose will disappear after you run it in the water. You only see a lot because it's standing still. It should clear up after a run for a while.

Hey guys, I just wanted to post a follow up thank you.

This past weekend we launched our wave runner for the first time this season and it ran normal. Within a couple of minutes the unusually high amount of smoke was done.

Even after it cooled off over night, the next day, Sunday, we did not experience this high amount of exhaust smoke at start-up.

We went thru just under 10 gallons of gas. When I got back home and topped off the oil it only took a normal amount of oil. Although I did not measure the oil I added I would estimate it took about a quart of oil to top off the reservoir.

Again, thank you for your help.
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