Ski pole/pylon for 02 Islandia???

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New Member
I didn't know whether to post this here or mods but its a problem :cheers: either way! Has anyone put or know of a ski pole or pylon that will mount to the deck of an Islandia? I don't want a huge six foot looking bare footin flag pole, just something to get the rope out of the water when the people tube behind the beast! The rope drag is just awful in the wake with the stock rope ring and I want to fix it. It is driving me crazy!! Any help would be great! Thanks guys...........
Everyone I've talked to with an Islandia has the same complaint. I was perusing ebay and came across an '06 Islandia, with a removable pole installed at the stern on the swimming platform. I've messaged the seller asking him about the pole, but here is a picture:


ETA: Got a reply back from the seller. He said his dealer installed the pole and he doesn't know the manufacturer. It is removable and extremely sturdy. They use it to wakeboard, ski, and tube.
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That looks perfect!

Thank you for posting the picture, that's exactly what we've been looking for. I've got an '01 Islandia and we love it, but hate the rope drag and spray from the wake and jet. That pylon would do the trick!
If anyone has any more leads on that pylon assembly, and installation, please post it!

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