All of a sudden my ski locker will not open. I can pull on the latch and it seems to be operating but the cover is stuck down. I even tried prying it up in the back corner. No good. I keep my anchor in there. Perhaps it got jostled around and wedged up against the latch last time I was out.
This ever happened to anyone else? Should I just pull the latch until it breaks? I'm thinking I should just take the boat out again and jump a few wakes maybe that anchor will get jostled around and free up the latch. I saw those latches at the boat store. They're not cheap. So I hate to break it. Any suggestions?
This ever happened to anyone else? Should I just pull the latch until it breaks? I'm thinking I should just take the boat out again and jump a few wakes maybe that anchor will get jostled around and free up the latch. I saw those latches at the boat store. They're not cheap. So I hate to break it. Any suggestions?