It's all in the experience in the skier and the driver.
Yes, the boat should be able to pull a 200lb skier or wakeboarder. But, it's all in the experience in the drivers ability to use the VTS while launching and its equally important how experienced the skier is on standing up to his ski.
At the weights your talking about, if you've got someone laying down in the water, thinking this boat (or any jet boat for that matter, without a big block 454 cu. in.) is going to drag them till they can "plow" through the water before standing, no...........ain't gonna happen.
These boats are awesome and the power is phenomenal when pulling a skier. I'm about 180 lbs. and I have the 1997 Challenger. With my wife on the throttles, my 8 and 7 year old spotting, I can step up out of the water almost as fast as she hammers the throttle. When on slalom, the water like glass, I can step out of my ski and barefoot.
So, when looking at the boats efficiency on pulling a skier....you have to examine the experience of the one being towed and the operator towing him.
Reading this reply, it seems kinda critical of the skier and driver. Please, believe me, I mean no ill intention. You may be the best driver and skier. There could be an issue with the boats initial take off due to a problem in the carbs or the VTS not working properly, etc..... but you would be surprised at the amount of people I see, plowing under water, trying to figure out why the boat won't get them up. Or, they finally give up from exhaustion.
Here's to hoping you find out what it is or what it takes to get your boat to get you into the swing of cutin the tips of your ski!.....:cheers: