Shore-To-Ship power?

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New Member
I am going to be installing a whole new setup for my power supply. First I am going to install 2 high capacity batteries that will be dedicated to the stereo, the third will be a battery just for the boat. The charge for the motors will be split via the battery isolating relay. Then I am going to install a onboard 3 bank 4 stage battery charger. I want to be able to simply plug my boat in to an external socket that's permanently on the boat that the cord plugs into. I think it is commonly called Ship-to-shore or Shore-to-ship. Has anyone done anything like this? Whee do you find parts to do this this stuff?

This is very common for fishing boats. I recently installed one on a fishing boat for a friend. (i am new to sea-doo boats, but old school regular).

Look at BassPro - Onboard Chargers - I just bought a 2-bank battery charger for my speedster (not installed yet - but should not be difficult). I would recommend looking into them because they have great customer service (at least here in TN at the store they do).

I think mine is the XPS iT 4/4 - there are mulitple ones. Just choose the one for your application!

Remember, you will need to hook each bank to a seperate battery. Do not try and hook a charger up to a parallel set of batteries as one bank. I have a wiring diagram so far what i am doing in my twin speedster.

Just hook each lead up to every battery you have - great stuff!

boat schematic.jpg
Yep you did. I am adding a Protech 4, 3 bank charger. Basically the difference between what you are doing and mine is I will have 2 batteries to supply the stereo. From the stereo batteries I have a capacitor and no switch as I didnt see a need for one as the amps wont be on unless the stereo is on anyways. I also found out you dont want to cut your power to your capacitor or it will have to be trickle charged again. if you do cut the power it will eventually ruin the capacitor and it will become a draw to the system instead of a bonus.

I found the type of connector I was looking for:
Yea, i am planning on putting a cap in there too. I did the diagram for myself to make sure i had everything in the correct line. In my boating experience, the amp still seems to always draw (very minor amount) power even though it is switched on by a remote 12v line from radio. That is why i always put a switch between everything to isolate all teh batteries...this is mainly for the several weeks that i cannot get out on it and the winter. If it is used often (like a car) then it is no problem.

I really want to find someoen that is good at some 'glass work and find a good location to install my subs (with enclosure), but i have not gotten very many people to respond to the thread.

I forgot how much i enjoy forums and discussing this stuff! Too bad I do dirt work now :)

Oh, and for alot of accessories like your marinco plug. Look into CampingWorld and other RV places...They all pretty much work together.
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