here is my ref:
Im gettin ready to change my oil on my SC 4TEC engine and was wonder OK, which oil spec is the best to look for SH SJ or SL, we'll apparently these have been supersceded with SM??? any one have an opinion on that? The API chart says SH is obsolete as well-see below.
here is what API chart says:
For automotive gasoline engines, the latest engine oil service category includes the performance properties of each earlier category. If an automotive owner's manual calls for an API SJ or SL oil, an API SM oil will provide full protection. For diesel engines, the latest category usually - but not always - includes the performance properties of an earlier category.
Gasoline Engines
Category Status Service
SM Current For all automotive engines presently in use. Introduced November 30, 2004. SM oils are designed to provide improved oxidation resistence, improved deposit protection, better wear protection, and better low-temperature performance over the life of the oil. Some SM oils may also meet the latest ILSAC specification and/or qualify as Energy Conserving.
SL Current For 2004 and older automotive engines.
SJ Current For 2001 and older automotive engines.
SH Obsolete For 1996 and older engines. Valid when preceded by current C categories.
Im gettin ready to change my oil on my SC 4TEC engine and was wonder OK, which oil spec is the best to look for SH SJ or SL, we'll apparently these have been supersceded with SM??? any one have an opinion on that? The API chart says SH is obsolete as well-see below.
here is what API chart says:
For automotive gasoline engines, the latest engine oil service category includes the performance properties of each earlier category. If an automotive owner's manual calls for an API SJ or SL oil, an API SM oil will provide full protection. For diesel engines, the latest category usually - but not always - includes the performance properties of an earlier category.
Gasoline Engines
Category Status Service
SM Current For all automotive engines presently in use. Introduced November 30, 2004. SM oils are designed to provide improved oxidation resistence, improved deposit protection, better wear protection, and better low-temperature performance over the life of the oil. Some SM oils may also meet the latest ILSAC specification and/or qualify as Energy Conserving.
SL Current For 2004 and older automotive engines.
SJ Current For 2001 and older automotive engines.
SH Obsolete For 1996 and older engines. Valid when preceded by current C categories.