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Second trip out with challenger ends in being towed back...help...

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New Member
I'll do my best to describe how things happened. Boat is a 1997 Challenger 1400. Went out yesterday and the boat ran fantastic. Went out today in a white capping bay. Boat was running fine. About 15 mins later we sat at idle to get tube ready. Put boat in gear and throttle. Nothing. I can move throttle back and forth and nothing. No rpm rise or anything. Suddenly like a switch, boat takes off. Very strange. Boat runs fine for a few minutes and then loses power. There is a lot of grass in the bay so I thought I sucked some up. Did the clean out thing. Start boat back up and now it's popping. Try to move throttle a little off idle and it shuts off. I do this several times with the same result. Now I just put new plugs in before the trip out. I had new ones on the boat as well. So, I change them out to rule out that possibility. Nothing. Can hardly get boat to start. Sometimes starter shuts off after a second of cranking. I spend an hour waiting and trying to get this thing to start. When it does start as soon as you move throttle slightly past idle it shuts off. The 5 year old is scared. I finally flag down a boat to get towed back. Back at home now. I see a little bit of grass in propeller and do my best to clean it out but not convinced this is my problem. Time to try flush out. Gets started, pops a few times and then seems to run normal. Boat won't rev past 3000rpms. Is there a rev limiter in neutral? Any ideas? Thanks!!!
Well, just answered my own question. Did a compression test and had one cylinder over 150psi and the other at 50. Just what I wanted to know. So, now I'm weighing my options of what to do.
mine did the same thing

my 1997 sportster did the same thing, ended up rebuilding the engine and now everything is good to go again.
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