Seaweed in Jet pump water intake

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New Member
I have an 04 RXP and yesterday while under idle in forward I got into a massave amount of seaweed (fresh water lake) that caused the ski to stop. I immediately turned it off and got it back to shore. After getting it back on the trailer is when I saw this hudge amount of seaweed hanging out of the jet pump water intake. I removed it all and saw no signs of any in the prop area. I ran the water hose clean out and everything looks normal. I really think I lucked out since such a large amount was sucked in and it block the suction from pulling it into the propeller.
Is there anything I should look for when I get it back in the lake?
This shouldn't have hurt your machine, especially since you did it at low speed. Just check that there is no odd vibration when you start it back up.

I have sucked up weeds, sticks, garbage bags, all kinds of stuff, and usually have been able to jump off, get my hand under there and get most of it out. Then start it up and the rest shoots out the jet. (I have always had a fear of sticking my hand up there and finding the remains of a fish:ack: Does this ever happen?)
I wondered about the fish too. I've seen some garfish close to 3 feet long were I ride that like to stay near the surface.
my girlfriend got seaweeded up in the salt-margate NJ. i wasn't there. a guy got under her ski, pulled out the seaweed, and got bit by a crab she sucked up. we laughed. he didn't.
I never heard of anyone sucking up a fish in intake but did saw a big fish cut by the head probably from propeller. Fish was about 2 feet long and my brother in law asked what kind of fish that it since he lkes to go fishing. I answered: the one you never catch!" He didnt thought that was funny. But yeah sucking up the fish or even a damn crab would be damn funny. how did the crab get up there anyway? Ws she in shallow water?
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