Seadoos suck!

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New Member
I swear, since I bought this thing I've got maybe 3-5hrs ride time, roughly 16-20hrs wrench time and probably another at least 20hrs seadoo forums searching how to fix this pile time. Just frustrated, but hopefully when I get this worked out it won't need anything for a minute.
I bought a new mpem off ebay because my 5amp fuse kept blowing. I pulled the stator and it looked good so I put it bad in. I went ahead and bought a new rectifier while I was at it. Got it all hooked up and nothing. Doesn't blow the 5amp fuse anymore but won't make a peep either when you hit the start button. What now? I've swapped batteries from my speedster, checked connections and double checked connections. Ideas? throw em at me please.
I'd start with changing the name of the thread. Then maybe people who make their living off the Seadoo brand will take the time to help you.

I'd start with changing the name of the thread. Then maybe people who make their living off the Seadoo brand will take the time to help you.


no help= please no post. And I own seadoo brand equipment and with my blood, sweat and money I have earned a gripe here and there.
I'd start with changing the name of the thread. Then maybe people who make their living off the Seadoo brand will take the time to help you.


:agree: otherwise ya might consider making it a great lawn ornament. run a fountain up thru it. You'd be the only one on your block with one. Hey, wait a minute, I gotta call Warren (the trolling prop) guy about this.
I would tend to agree with Boyd...change the name of the thread... Maybe something along the lines like - Help me prove Seadoos dont suck ...LOL
Whats wrong?

Disconnect the vts harness just to rule that out until this gets figured out. Your '96 SPX is non-dess, so it will not be makeing "two beeps" when the safety lanyard is put on and activates the timer in the mpem for 30 seconds while you start the ski. At this time, check for spark.
1. you need spark. use BR8ES gapped .021 let us know.
2. you need compression. Check with a known good guage with accellerator full throttle, *plug wires on the ground lugs on magnito houseing. let us know.
3. If you have spark & comp, dribble some pre-mix gas/oil in *holes and into flame arrestor and attempt start-up.
4. Post results, we are here to help you. The above is to find out if you have a mechanical, electrical, or a fuel problem.
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Disconnect the vts harness just to rule that out until this gets figured out. Your '96 SPX is non-dess, so it will not be makeing "two beeps" when the safety lanyard is put on and activates the timer in the mpem for 30 seconds while you start the ski. At this time, check for spark.
1. you need spark. use BR8ES gapped .021 let us know.
2. you need compression. Check with a known good guage with accellerator full throttle, *plug wires on the ground lugs on magnito houseing. let us know.
3. If you have spark & comp, dribble some pre-mix gas/oil in *holes and into flame arrestor and attempt start-up.
4. Post results, we are here to help you. The above is to find out if you have a mechanical, electrical, or a fuel problem.

X2...instead of throwing replacement parts at your ski and getting more frustrated, might take an hour or so and get a manual. Then read it and troubleshoot to fine the correct solution. JMO

I don't mean to question your vast knowledge, but didn't the DESS system start in 1996?
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Have a 96 spent hours just like you and alot of bloody knuckles. I ended up doing the same thing you did, assuming the stator was "okay" looked fine, etc. It wasn't. I also disconnected the VTS. Replaced the stator, good things started happening. There is alot of help here from knowledgeable people that helped me diagnose the stator even when I didn't necessary "buy in". Also make darn sure you don't have any metal shavings around the stator....that's what did mine patient. Knock on wood, bought my 96, put $200 into it and haven't touched it other than a battery in 2 years!!! It is a thrill and fun you will get there soon enough.
Sorry for the title but like I said I'm frustated to say the least. And I'd love to check for spark and compression but as I said it does zero, no clicks, no roll over, no beeps, just crcikets. I must have wired in this new mpem wrong somewhere, that has to be it and its not the seadoos fault its mine for screwing it up.
Is the small ground wire hooked up with the main ground wire? Maybe clean all power wires with a wire brush and then wire brush the battery post to make sure your getting good power. Don't forget the connections to the starter.
Is the small ground wire hooked up with the main ground wire? Maybe clean all power wires with a wire brush and then wire brush the battery post to make sure your getting good power. Don't forget the connections to the starter.

Yea I got every wire hooked up except the white one(nowhere for it to go) I think it is unused on this model. Anyway I found a guy who going to let me do a side by side comparison with his 95 spx, so I can see first hand exactly whats up.
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