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seadoo xp

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New Member
Hello everyone im new to this site and to the sport of seadooing. I have a 1994 seadoo xp 650 had it out a few times never had any problems then i went out with it yesterday it started no problem, rode it for 2 mins and then it died. (it died when i was using the trim) I killed the battery trying to get it to start so i replaced the battery with a new one, It started and ran for 2 mins then died again. it would crank over and over and over and wouldnt start. The starter seemed to be cranking it over very slowly, I pulled the starter out of it, tested it on the bench with a car battery and it slowly turns over. im sure it needs a starter but that doesnt explain the why is died on me when it was running. I heard something that the trim might have caused it to die? I dont know too much about these machines and would really appreciate some advice. thanks for your time

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