Seadoo Speedster Hull

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I may have bit off more than I can (or should've) chew so I'm sure I'll be called a couple of names to point out my stupidity. With that said, I'm still looking for assistance.

I have a 97 Speedster that I really like and need to make a few repairs. Some of which would be easier if the top/bottom of the hull were separated. So I removed the bumper and drilled out all the rivets. Afterward, I found that separating the top from the bottom isn't so easy. There are globs of fiberglass resin cementing the two together in various places.

I am looking for advice on completing the separation. Reaching through the ski-cabinet is not impossible but definitely difficult.
A description of said repairs that need to be made would be great? Also, separating the top from the bottom is more than just the beltline of the boat.
A description of said repairs that need to be made would be great? Also, separating the top from the bottom is more than just the beltline of the boat.

Thanks for responding. I left out the description because I thought it was irrelevant - now that I am so far into the project but here goes:

The U-Bolt in the front of the boat that attaches to the trailer is very loose. I worry about it driving down the road. You cannot get your arm inside to tighten the nuts.
The backrest on the bow-seat needs recovered but I cannot remove it without getting behind it. According to the manual, I should be able to lift and pull it up but that isn't working.
I'm considering installing a depth-finder with a transducer under the fuel tank.
I have some fiberglass work to do as well. It might be easier too with the hull separated (though not needed).

Knowing what I know now, I would never do this again but since I have removed all the rivets, I feel committed. It "seems" that cutting the fiberglass globs will be the last difficult part. But I could be wrong.
Thanks for responding. I left out the description because I thought it was irrelevant

That's like dropping your car off at the mechanic and not telling him what's happening and expecting to pick it up fixed. We can't help you out or point you in the right direction without know what your trying to do, there are lots of knowledgeable guys on here that have been inside and out of these boats.

The bow back rest should slide up from what I see, it has metal clips that sort of wedge the fiberglass between them clip and the cushion backing. I know on my Speedster sometimes I have to get it just right to slide up and give it a bump up to get it.

Here you go, I knew I remember reading it some where: Scroll down a while you'll see where I found the info.

Bow Backrest:
Challenger/97 Speedster
Push upward with a quick blow to the bottom port side. It will lift up so you can manipulate the starboard side off of its mounting clip.

As far as the rivets go, you might want to get one from the dealer so you get the correct length the order a box online somewhere, they're a $1.00 a pop, and if you took them all out I'd say there are probably close to a 100 of them, a box will cost you less than $20.

There are also more than likely hidden supports from the hull that are epoxied to the deck when they put the two halves together is areas that you can't get to, she's not coming apart and if it does, it's not going back together.
That thing ain't ever coming apart.....I assure you. This shows the assembly of a ski, I'm sure it's the same on a boat. Without cutting the boat literally in's not coming apart.

Nice video, but how come they don't Align the pump with the motor?
Is it a step that's not shown?????????

Funny but my boat hull (Glastron) comes apart. It was separated to install a new floor, bow to stern.
Nice video, but how come they don't Align the pump with the motor?
Is it a step that's not shown?????????

Funny but my boat hull (Glastron) comes apart. It was separated to install a new floor, bow to stern.

I noticed that as well. HAH! I'm guessing it was already done. I know my motor has shims in it......which would lead me to believe it was aligned at some point. Guess they could have just randomly put those in there....... dunno.

My parents have a glastron as well that can come apart.
There is no way i would attempt to separate the boat. It will never be the same again. If they wanted it to come apart it would be bolted together with a
There is no way i would attempt to separate the boat. It will never be the same again. If they wanted it to come apart it would be bolted together with a

It's not the dumbest thing I have ever attempted. Still, I wish I would have posted the question first. At this point, I am going to rivet it back together.

I will try again to get the seat back off but I am completely stumped in regards to the u-bolt. I ran a camera up there and tried to use a series of extensions on a ratchet but it just isn't possible like that. Maybe, I need a new cup-holder up front.
It's not the dumbest thing I have ever attempted. Still, I wish I would have posted the question first. At this point, I am going to rivet it back together.

I will try again to get the seat back off but I am completely stumped in regards to the u-bolt. I ran a camera up there and tried to use a series of extensions on a ratchet but it just isn't possible like that. Maybe, I need a new cup-holder up front.

The front seat according to the manual is attached with what they call "darts" which should be replaced it you pull the seat up, but should come up with light prying of a screwdriver. Make sure to protect your hull while "prying"
I can't say for sure and I have never owned a speedster but friend of mine did. This has been a few years ago but I think when we removed the seats to have them re-upholstered there was an access hole under the front seat. Again I'm guessing but that hole might be for access to the front tow hook. You can probably get to it with an extension, the nuts are 10mm.

You're going to need a tool something like this to remove the seat pad.

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