Seadoo Nightmare, Is This Possible?

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First I would like to thank anyone taking the time to read this, I have no idea what to do and hope someone here can help. Here's the story, I'll keep it as short as possible:

My wife and I rented 2 Seadoos for the day on our vacation last week. We rode around on them for about 20 miles, stopping here and there to take pictures, then beached them to have a little snack. The way we were told to beach them was to ride them to about chest deep water, kill the motor, and let the current take us in. But the guy scared us so much that we killed the motor, jumped off where we couldn't see the bottom, and swam them in. Ate the snack, then swam them out to the same point and took off.

Mine started acting funny by going, slowing down, going, slowing down, then dieing. The whole time the gas needle was bouncing from quarter tank to half a tank. We agreed to see if maybe it needed gas. I got it started again, and took it slow to the gas station, about a mile and a half. I decided to put $20 in each at $3.34 a gallon, just to make sure we had enough. The problem went away.

So we took off, then about 4 and a half miles later(a total of 5.75-6 miles since we beached) hers died out of no where. Then never came back on. We towed it to the closest beach, called the guy who rented them to us, told him the problem with both. He said he did something to mine so we wouldn't have that problem again, but couldn't get hers working again(he was working on it for 20 or so mins in thigh high water). So he put it on a trailer and told us to meet him back at the rental place to get another one.

The one he "fixed" started doing the same thing again and again until we were fed up with it and got it towed back. 3 and a half hours after the first one died completely, we made it back to the rental place. 10 mins before we had to turn them in. So we calculated how much we owed for the time we did have them, paid, and went on our way to forget about all the hell we went through and finish enjoying our vacation.

That was last Wednesday. Today he calls me telling me that we sucked up a rock(which he later changed to rocks) which bent the impeller, blocked water from getting to the motor to keep it cool, caused the motor to overheat, a piston to swell, and knock out a spark plug.

So, after all this, my question is, is this possible? I can only see one place where we could have sucked up a rock/rocks, but could we have gone almost 6 miles without noticing? He told me that it couldn't have been at the rental because it wouldn't have run fast and we would have brought it back to switch it out. Well, the one that died was faster than the one that didn't. Also, would he have been able to notice any of this damage by taking off the seat and trying to fix it?

Any help would be appreciated, and if this helps, it was a Seadoo Bombardier GTI. That's all I remember seeing on them.
impeller bent would cause major vibrations. Piston swell and knock out a spark plug? Never heard of that fact I've never heard of a spark plug being knocked out...usually piston rods/crank shafts break first (think waterlock).

Is he trying to charge you for the damage?
It sounds like the broken lamp in the hotel game....and wanting to charge you for the damage. Tell him you want a refund for the time you paid for on your vacation and never got to use. If he looks for more money tell him to take a hike. Call your credit card company and let them know of the trouble so the rental company won't charge your card. DON'T WAIT, or he will charge you for damages. Good luck
Thank you both for your responses. Yes, he is trying to charge us $2000($1500 to rebuild the motor, $500 for a new impeller). I wish I could tell him to go take a hike but I'm afraid of going to court and losing, because we would then have to pay court fees.

I'm just scared of these three things, 1) it ran when we took it, 2) it no longer ran after we had it, and 3) I signed that I was responsible for it. I don't think he will try to charge our card for it, his wife gave us back the deposit when we got back to the rental place. Does that help our case at all? I was hoping by some default that by giving us the deposit back, that they were admitting that both jet skis were good. Sounds good in my head...
If you got your deposit back, well his loss, he can't do anything now, but harris you. If it were me I would forget about it and move on ... he should have held your deposit if he had intended to make you responsible for it. Anything could have happened after you returned it to him. It's a rental, like a rental car, it breaks they tow it in and you get another. If you smash it up than they collect on the insurance. if you burnt his ski or hit the dock,,,he keeps the deposit. He returned it, means "not your fault...have a nice day"...
Thanks Karl, you bring up some good points. How long have you been riding? Did you ever rent, or strait to owning?

Maybe he knows he f'ed up and thats why hes putting so much pressure on us paying the bill and threatening us with court already. I really think I'm onto something, I just wish I could find some law or something to help me with this. I messed up by not getting a copy of the papers I signed, so I don't know what they say word for word, and the city they are in is 5 and a half hours away...
Thanks Karl, you bring up some good points. How long have you been riding? Did you ever rent, or strait to owning?

Maybe he knows he f'ed up and thats why hes putting so much pressure on us paying the bill and threatening us with court already. I really think I'm onto something, I just wish I could find some law or something to help me with this. I messed up by not getting a copy of the papers I signed, so I don't know what they say word for word, and the city they are in is 5 and a half hours away...

I have been riding for a while....since like 1978 geezs I feel old now... I used to race standups in 3 different classes in the 90's as a semi-pro. I lived on a lake in upstate N.Y and rode from ice thaw in late april till Nov. (wore Jetpilot dry suits) I always owned several skis living on a lake, and did repairs and mods at my business because of my racing involvment. I also sponcered 4 other ridders on jetskis. Rented once in the ocean on vacation, but the rental company didn't like me jumping 20' off the waves and gave me my money back, to prevent damage. I rented the newest Yamaha standup I think it was the 650, back in like 94 maybe. First time I got to ride the newest model.
I would still remember the main points...1)got deposit back 2) it's a rental! 3) who really reads rental agreements on vacation by the water?
don't back down...I know here in Florida it isn't cheap to file a claim for court, so rental company might just back down. Again good luck!
O.K., my turn!

I'll have to agree with all that's been said, but I do have one thought!....If that rock was big enough to go through the impellor, taking out the wearing ring, bending the shaft and all the other stuff I've just read.........I like to know how it can get stuck in the pumps water inlet to the engine. The water pickup tube is on the top of the casing and the rock (I'm sure a bit heavy) would fall out of the bottom side, with pretty good velocity!....I'd like to know how it got stuck in the top of the water inlet to the cooling system?
Something smells really fishy here.....!
Well here is a little food for thought if it was a GTI and was 3 yrs old or newer it is a closed loop system and would not over heat if you were running it down the lake plus there are warning beeps if the motor was getting to hot. If it was a older SKI it would still have a warning beep you would hear plus a light. I think thay are trying to pull a fast one on you. If by some reason the warnings have been disconected{by the rental company}that is there fraudulent neglect and you can not be held responsible for a patched up ski that has not been maintained.:)

My grandparents, and mom and step dad live in the city that this happened in, Lake Havasu City. So my grandpa and step dad went to talk to the guy and see the jet ski. The story now is, a rock damaged the impeller, then damaged the water pump causing the motor to overheat, a piston to come up too high and closed the gap on a spark plug. The crankshaft is fine, so now he is saying its going to be closer to $1200, instead of $2000. I still don't understand why the pistons need to be replaced. I've seen cars overheat before, and never heard of having to replace the pistons because of it.

Also, the jet ski is 3 years old(don't know if that means 04 or 05, are new year jet skis like cars and come out in the sept time of year?) and the motor was rebuilt 3 months ago. So, my grandpa is trying to say, a) thats a long time to have a rental and there is going to be normal wear and tear that could have led up to this, and b) maybe the rebuild was bad 3 months ago and caused this. The guy isn't budging, so my grandpa is sending me the papers I signed so I can see how him giving me the deposit slip back affects anything.

Attached is a picture of what my grandpa said is the water pump. It looks big to me, but I don't know jet skis, so it might be right. I was thinking that maybe my grandpa mislabeled it, and it's the impeller???

Again, thanks to everyone who has read this(I know I don't type short versions), and extra thanks to everyone who has responded.


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Jet pump assembly is the accurate description - the assembly is made up of the jet pump housing, the impeller (prop), wear ring and shaft/bearings.

In any case, that impeller is pretty banged up, most likely from rocks which would also would damage the wear ring.

Having a motor blow up after that, though?.....I don't know. A little bit of a stretch to me.:confused:
dead rental

The grates on the intake are only so big so rock size is limited. Also scratches to the impeller will have a shinner look to the edges if fresh and ski died at time of intake or soon after. The connecting rods will appear burnt, pistons scuffed and scarred and paint on outside of block will be darkened from heat build up. Was this a four stroke or two stroke? oil lines that have dried up and cracked will let oil run into bilge instead of block causing oil related heat build up. If engine was well seasoned it will run for quite a while before lock up. I suspect that this was cheap oil/gas on machines that were not well maintained.These rental guys often live in a feast or famine world and look for ways to survive when money is tight. This would be a matter for small claims and they usually favor the customer.One last thought, was pee stream working. If so water was flowing to engine.I am no jetski expert but I have 16 years outboard experiene and used to take care of rental boats untill I got fed up with trying to get paid and working on beat up crap. Not all rentals are like this but many run on a wish and a prayer.
Dont worry about it.

Hey Mistir,

Print these replies off bud.

All these guys are experienced riders and mechanics.
And they know your being ripped off.

ps. So when are you going to buy your own Seadoo then.;)
I hope you know from all the responses that you are in the right, and it dosen't give you a bad flavor of seadoos. These machines are a blast and if you take care of them they last a long time with not much mantenance. Rentals are beat to crap all the time and almost never maintained like a owner/ rider would do.
Wow I'm new here, but just from a purely objective standpoint, I'd say don't do anything and just wait for him to decide what he's going to do. The burden of proof is completely on him at this point. I used to work at a Marina renting Sea-Doos and if one got damaged, we had absolutely no way of telling if it was the customer or not.
Ripped Off!

Yep, the rental place is ripping you off! Good idea posting pics of the jet pump. The amount of damage to that impeller would require you to sit on the beach and suck up rocks for about 5 minutes at full throttle. It's too much damage for "a rock". I've caught a rock or two through my ski, and got some small nicks on the leading edges of the impeller. Not a big deal. The picture you posted looks like someone was using the ski as a wood chipper.

Others make a good point that the intake grate at the bottom of the ski limits the size of any foreign objects from entering the jet pump. If the grate was removed ... rental shops problem.

Sea Doo overheat warning systems work well, and should be ops checked at the end of every season as part of routine mx, & it's very easy to do. I seriously doubt a "rock in jet pump" would cause the extent of damage that the rental guy is claiming!

Previous advise is wise. Make sure you call your credit card company!
All very good responses to your question, there is little doubt you are absolutely being ripped off. You should inform your credit card company right away in order to block any charge attempts.

Consider this…..Can this person guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt with hard copy 3rd party supporting proof that the machine in question was not rented or taken for a ride at any point after you brought them back? If not, prove it was actually you that caused the damage. For all you know the mechanic took it for a check ride, damaged it, and is now afraid to fess up for fear of being fired or docked pay. Is this a Rotax engine?? If so, did they clamp off the fresh water inlet hose prior to towing it back to the marina to ensure the cylinders did not get flooded??

Then there is the issue with this being a 3 year old machine running on a 3 month old rebuilt engine…assuming you decide to take his word for it which I would not!!! Why exactly would you possibly pay for a brand new impeller to replace one that is already 3 years old? Even the court would pro-rate three years of use off the price of a brand new part. This logic would also be applied to all the parts that “apparently” require replacing. In addition, you could call into question the competence to the mechanic who actually performed the rebuild.

My point is, one could create a ton of reasonable doubt as to exactly who caused the damage and at what point it actually occurred. Also, it would not be a huge stretch to prove that this person tends to jump to conclusions and is quick to accuse anyone prior to obtaining specific proof. As for him threatening to sue you, I would point all of this out them tell him to go right ahead. In civil court the burden of proof is 100% on him. I would then let him know that as a result you will be counter suing for all of your court costs, lost wages and applicaple administration fees fees. I would be willing to bet it would end there....
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It's good to see the concern of a fellow Seadooer when they think someone is being taken to the cleaners. I remember this post well....It fumed me under the collar really bad.
Grizz, welcome to the write well and you sound like an attorney. I only found a couple mistakes in proofing your post.......:rofl:
But I do the same thing when I start gettin pis*ed!....
Anyway, this post was originally done October 1st or 2007. I don't remember what he did, but it got resolved.
Thanks for the concern.........and welcome to the forum.......:cheers:
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