Hi every one I am new to Seadoo so please understand my lack of knoledge - I bought late last year 1997 (in sea water for one week) only 5 hours use and the left in dry storage. I am in Spain and took it to my dealer for a check/service and it got a clean bill of health as it appeard to have been winterised prior to putting in store. Anyway to cut a long story short after 20 mins use disaster big bang block cracked -back to dealer and only choice a new shot block. The dealer now says that in hind sight it would have been beter and cheaper to strip the engine and check the bearings as the engine was upon inspection after the disaster 100% perfect appart fron one bearing that had a propblem due to it being stood for so long - anyway the message to all that this is ging to be an expensive lesson to me and I hope other can benifit fro my experence - dont by an old ski even if it sems a bargin but it you do be prepared to strip all to check for rust etc.
Anyway as a novice I need some more help please - I have a small boat and I would like to keep the ski in the same mooring as my boat for limited period each year so :-
1) If the ski stays in salt water for say 4 weeks twice a year is this a problem - if it is what can I do to minimise any corrosion etc
2) Can I flush the ski whilst it is still in the water - it has a hose connector fitted. If the answer is yes do I do it in the same way as on dry land.
3) I intend to tow the ski behind my boat ( no more than 5 mph) do I need to pinch the inlett hose and if so is it the hose that runs from the top of the impeller housing to he left side of te block (the picture in the manual is unclear to me)
I expect I will have many more questions and I appreaciate any feedback and I hope my experience with an Old but As New ski will save other stress and money.
Thanks to all for any help
Anyway as a novice I need some more help please - I have a small boat and I would like to keep the ski in the same mooring as my boat for limited period each year so :-
1) If the ski stays in salt water for say 4 weeks twice a year is this a problem - if it is what can I do to minimise any corrosion etc
2) Can I flush the ski whilst it is still in the water - it has a hose connector fitted. If the answer is yes do I do it in the same way as on dry land.
3) I intend to tow the ski behind my boat ( no more than 5 mph) do I need to pinch the inlett hose and if so is it the hose that runs from the top of the impeller housing to he left side of te block (the picture in the manual is unclear to me)
I expect I will have many more questions and I appreaciate any feedback and I hope my experience with an Old but As New ski will save other stress and money.
Thanks to all for any help