Seadoo 4-tec oil screen cleaning

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Blew supercharger on GTX 4-TEC. Is it necessary to clean screen that is ahead of rear oil pump? Can that be done with the engine in the boat? Or is changing oil and oil filter likely sufficient?
Did the supercharger lose parts (bearings or gears or washers)? If it's blown parts loose and into the crankcase, I'd check both oil screens (there are 2 oil pumps, one in the front and one in the back each with screens) and if you can't locate every single lost supercharger part down to the last needle bearing then pull the engine out split it open and clean it out inside! If you have any loose parts lying around inside that crankcase they can at any time get into the PTO gears or other places and cause complete engine failure (BOOM... err, more likely BANG and then silence), it's not worth the chance leaving any parts lying loose inside that engine! Everything from that blown supercharger must be accounted for if you're going to fix it right!

- Michael
Thanks. I had it to a shop and they found parts in rear PTO enclosure and both front and rear oil pumps taken out. I took it back home. Plan to reassemble with variety of used and new parts on my own. I guess I'd better take pan off block to check for "spare" supercharger parts there, too, and see if gears in block are screwed up before investing in the batch of parts already needed inside the PTO cover and the front oil pump, right?
Thanks. I had it to a shop and they found parts in rear PTO enclosure and both front and rear oil pumps taken out. I took it back home. Plan to reassemble with variety of used and new parts on my own. I guess I'd better take pan off block to check for "spare" supercharger parts there, too, and see if gears in block are screwed up before investing in the batch of parts already needed inside the PTO cover and the front oil pump, right?
See if you can account for all the supercharger parts 1st, before pulling the engine out of the hull and apart. If you can find all the busted parts then you may be able to just put a fresh SC in it and go. You had that shop give you the parts they already found in the oil screens, right? How much did they find? Have you pulled the SC out to see what all it's missing? Needle bearings, spring washers, slip-washers? How badly did it self-destruct?

Lastly, was the engine run for very long after the SC came apart?

Taking the engine out and splitting it open isn't particulary a fun thing to do, but you will learn alot in the process if you have to do it.

- Michael
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