seadoo 3D Tippin' to the right?

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New Member
hi there, i own a 2004 seadoo 3D and so does my Dad. I'm 350lbs and ride that ski of mine pretty hard. My dad's machine is the same year and same everything except for battery placement is different by 6 inches or so. Other than that they seem identical. The kicker is his will dipp to the right in the water by itself, with me on it, with him on it. And when you drive it at idle, half and full throttle. I know there is some stuff out there on it but nothin exact. What's the deal? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
When orange posted on how his was leaning i search the net to see what i could find. Only info i found was you guys arent alone. most 3D's have this problem.
maybe it has something to do with weight distribution and where the batterys are. where are the batterys on each ski
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I didn't mean to sound like no one tried to help. It just appears there is no solution. I have been in contact with several other people with 2004 3Ds and they say the same thing. 2005-2006 don't seem to have this problem.

Can you post pictures of where the battery is located on the tipsy one and the non-tipsy one?
i'll try and get some pictures up, but i have moved batteries around and it doesn't make a difference, it is a considerably lean to the right, as in it corners a lot sharper to the right. I was thinking it might be the styrofoam placement throughout the hull inside. i dunno if that would do it though. thanks
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