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Sea doo dies at idle and when running

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New Member
My 99 GTX Will die abruptly while riding and I have noticed that if I hook a hose to it and let it idle it will idle a few seconds and die that way also. It will start right back up every time. But then will die again eventually. IT might run on the lake 5 min. before it dies. All help greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
how does it do if you throttle up, will it still die then? will it stall faster if you throttle up then just at an idle?
It runs great. It will take off fine and runs good. When it dies it dies. IT is not like it is starving form fuel. It really seems to be more electrical unless it has me fooled. IT doesn't bog down, it cuts off sharply. Someone said if you didn't have resistor plugs in it it will cause problems. Has anyone ever heard of this?????? I have already replaced the lanyard.
Your seadoo requires NGK BR8ES spark plugs...gaped at .021-.024" that is the correct heat range. If you play with the heat ranges on the 2 stroke you could seize it. Stick to what is recommended by seadoo.

Karl is correct, I didnt mention that one usually only goes up or down 1 number plug. Most stick with factory required plugs but I have seen a 1 up/down colder/hotter plug used.
It had none resistor plugs in it. That what was what was in it when I got it. One mechanic said the none resistor plugs would cause problems with the computer. Have you heard of this?? I will try the correct plugs this weekend. I guess anything is possible. I wish it would just quit and not start back up. I hate gremlins. It is usually the simplest thing. I just haven't found it yet. All help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
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