same 96 spx 717 problems but it gets worse so heres the story

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New Member
ski has been starting and shuting down after a second or two. i was directed another to pull black/ red wire from the mpem and try restart. it did . it fired right up and ran like a top . so i find another mpem thats applicable to this ski. starts stops. same ole @#it.
back to the black red wire disconnect that and it runs like a top. so i grab a beer and call it a day. next morning try restart (black red still off)an my new battery is drained. so i charge it for at least four hours. now all i get is one long beep when i try to start. its a non dess unit. so did i not charge it long enough or what. replace mpem again? which has been recommended from a trusted source. do i just keep buying parts or is there a procedure i should follow to isolate the poblem.
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