sacrificial anode ?

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.02 cents

my opinion, no...silicone spray takes the place of it(anode). Wouldnt be bad idea though, for an owner of ski/boat, that doesnt maintain they're equipment, of that to par.

The sacrificial anode on the boats if located under the jet pump, on the ride plate. But, it's a joke.

Anodes are made from zinc and used to slow the electroylsis process by attracting and grounding the electrical current. Over time, they erode and have to be replaced. Mine has one and for the time I've had the thing, I haven't seen 1mm of loss from can buy bigger ones and put on it. If you do, they need to be on the ride plate. That's the only metal surface on the boat..........:cheers:

You are corret. That's why most elect not to put any on. But, the price over time, riding in salt water could be heavy. The design on them now are usually round or oval with no edge. That way, drag is minimized. But, they are pretty much necessary, even with flushing.

Looking at a battery, you have positive and negative. With a boat in salt water, you have a similar type of electrical current created from sodium chloride (salt). The electrical conduit is anode and cathode. With disimlar metals on the boats ride plates or into the engine compartment, these two metals can take the place of anode and cathode. By putting on the sacrificial anode, your converting everything else in the metal structure of the boat to cathode. Therefore, the corrosive affect is to eat away at that sacrificial metal instead of your engine components.........

I'm sure you have them on your new boat also.............:cheers:
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uh Louis, I have like 6 per engine...or something silly...I was kidding about the drag with the size...see size does matter. :rofl:

Karl, I was way off on my response to it. So those urinal mints mounted to the inside of ride-plate, ARE meant for something...:confused:
So My 96 did come with them and they were on the ride plate

I have been sailing for many years and know their use well . Know they are wired together in a sail boat so when you have many seperate metal componants in a boat , A heavy grounding wire is wired from one componant to another ,(IE engine block to bildge pump to chain plates to keel pivoit etc.) this keeps the metal parts (Cathode) wired to the Anode .
To increse the surface area sime anodes look loke computer heatsinks
And note to the un informed NEVER PAINT THE ANODE , keep it nice and shiny.

I had:banghead: a friend named David that hated the anodes on his boat corroading so he kept them painted :banghead::svengo:

If your 4tec engines use a standard coolant fill cap , a drop in anode is available


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So My 96 did come with them and they were on the ride plate

I have been sailing for many years and know their use well . Know they are wired together in a sail boat so when you have many seperate metal componants in a boat , A heavy grounding wire is wired from one componant to another ,(IE engine block to bildge pump to chain plates to keel pivoit etc.) this keeps the metal parts (Cathode) wired to the Anode .
To increse the surface area sime anodes look loke computer heatsinks
And note to the un informed NEVER PAINT THE ANODE , keep it nice and shiny.

I had:banghead: a friend named David that hated the anodes on his boat corroading so he kept them painted :banghead::svengo:

If your 4tec engines use a standard coolant fill cap , a drop in anode is available

where is a good place to find this drop in anode? are you useing one?
Challenger 2000 jet boat zinc replacement?

The sacrificial anode on the boats if located under the jet pump, on the ride plate. But, it's a joke.

Anodes are made from zinc and used to slow the electroylsis process by attracting and grounding the electrical current. Over time, they erode and have to be replaced. Mine has one and for the time I've had the thing, I haven't seen 1mm of loss from can buy bigger ones and put on it. If you do, they need to be on the ride plate. That's the only metal surface on the boat..........:cheers:


Can anyone tell me how the single sacrificial zinc is changes on the Challenger? I can't access where the zinc is bolted into the engine comparetment.
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