RXT 215 2011 Low Power and Rattles @ mid range

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RXT 215 Colleagues;
correction to the title: I own an 2010 RXT. I am experiencing rattle and low power in mid range 2400-400 rpm. from what i have read on this forum to date; sounds like I may have a drive shaft weart problem; very typical for 2010 bikes; many recommend replace with 2011 like kit.

Symptoms: I took it out yesterday for the first time this year; ran like a jewel, on flat water, accelled from idle through steady operation for a cruise of approx 20 plus miles at constant rpm (4800) and 30 mph. Then I eased off on the throttle when approaching the marina and felt a clunk under rear seat; felt like a hard transmission downshift; lost power at moderate RPM; but idled very level and solid at approx 1720 rpm and 3 mph; so I proceeded to the dock. no error lights/indicators on dash board; so I checked oil levels and engine bay for damage; checked drive from underneath for damage but found nothing. I started the RXT and headed for home. Again, idled well; so i slowly accelled up to 2400 rpm and then engine started to garble and something rattled a bit (again it sounded again like it came from aft of motor). Delivered poor/insufficient power. This continued until i got up to approx 4200 rpm; then it settled in to a solid and quiet operation; ran very well up to 4800-500 rpm (this is as high as I pushed it). It ran well for the entire 5 mile cruise home, until I slowed again below about 3800 rpm; experienced same symptoms down to 2400 rpm. I changed plugs this morning and conducted test operation; same results. Bottom line is it runs well above 400 rpm; rattles between 2400 and 3800.

Regarding fuel and/or fuel injectors: it was winterized by a local marine repair center (not a Sea-Doo dealer). I assume that they used fuel stabilizer; but either way, i topped it off with 10 plus gallons of fuel (89 octane) before setting it in the water yesterday; so likely not much fuel in it during winterization.

Any insights?

Doug at Norris Lake
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Hey Doug-

Im thinking cavitation.

Mine are 07 RXTs. Both were purchased new. One ran smoothly throughout the entire rpm range from day one. The other had a vibration, a rattle, a hesitent behavior, right about the same range that you've described. Had me chasing my tail for a long time. Long time.
I could never get my finger on it, couldnt solve it. On a ride early last season I heard what sounded like a stick or a rock striking the hull aft of the engine. I was in clean deep water at the time and I couldnt figure it until I started slow acceleration up through the range and noticed that my vibration had become harsher. Nasty. I had ingested a sumerged stick that simply exacerbated my problem and its primary symptom...cavitation.
After sumitting some pics on a thread here, some of the pros suggested the impeller damage was greater than I thought it looked like and recomended a new impeller. No budget for that at the time.
The shaft was true, I replaced the impeller boot, I trued and sharpened the impeller edges and replaced the wear ring.
The improvement was remarkable. The vibrating rattle was barely noticable. The performance was now consistent throughout the rpm range.
I suggest crawling underneath with a strong flashlight and inspect the impeller edges, the impeller boot, and the condition of the wear ring. Minor deviations in those components can create a lot of disturbance.

Its a start
Good luck to ya
Doug - Mine's a 2005 RXT 215 and it calls for high-test gasoline. I'm not familiar with your 2010 RXT, but you might want to check the owner's manual and see if it calls for high-test gasoline. I agree with door54's reply... it sounds like an imbalance in the impeller.
My 2010 RXT 215 is still being repaired from my recent drive shaft failure. While the 2010 drive shafts do have a problem that is admitted but not corrected by BRP, after reading your symptoms I have to agree that it is not the drive shaft, sounds a lot more like cavitation. When my drive shaft failed it just let go out of the blue, and the noise was a grinding noise with no acceleration at all. If you drive shaft was letting go, you would have symptoms as soon as you applied the throttle.
Excellent insights from all. I intend to return to the lake this weekend. Will investigate for impeller damage and seal damage. I also intend to pump out the existing fuel and replace with high octane plus some fuel injector cleaner.
Any additional insight/comment regarding why the ski perfomrs strong with no rattle at higher rpms (4200) after the turbo kicks in?
You said you hadn't run it yet this year? I would get as much old gas out of there as possible and replace with new gas. Instead of fuel injector cleaner try running some stabil or sea foam. This will clean and preserve the fuel system, you may have some water in there now if it sat for a couple months untreated.
Any additional insight/comment regarding why the ski perfomrs strong with no rattle at higher rpms (4200) after the turbo kicks in?

Cavitation, like any other irritating performance hiccup can be constant or spotty. Kind of like an out of balance tire on a vehicle. steering wheel is fine up to 42 mph then shakes like the devil til you get over 53...then its smooth running. When you do the visual inspec I dont think you'll find any OMG type of edge damage. My guess is it will be minor with some wear ring, well....wear. Its why the ring is made out of plastic.
Oh, and by the way....its a supercharger, not a turbo (unless I missed the class about '11 RXT 215's being outfitted with turbos) lol
good insights so far; but anyone out there with some insight/experience regarding common problems with wear and/or slippage of the drive shaft on this 2010 RXT?
good insights so far; but anyone out there with some insight/experience regarding common problems with wear and/or slippage of the drive shaft on this 2010 RXT?

To my knowledge there no wear or slippage in the drive shaft. Just flat out failure. When that happens you will not be accelerating anywhere at any speed. No warning or symptoms, just breaks out of the blue.
To my knowledge there no wear or slippage in the drive shaft. Just flat out failure. When that happens you will not be accelerating anywhere at any speed. No warning or symptoms, just breaks out of the blue.

I concur, with my drive shaft failure there were no warning signs, just a sudden failure with complete loss of propulsion altogether.
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