RXP supercharger issues

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New Member
My 2005 RXP began running slow, maxing out at 54 mph at 6500 rpm. Knowing about the ceramic washers from this forum (thanks to all posts on that topic) I took it to my dealer. Sure enough, the washers were toast. Dealer replaced washers, and put in a pop-off valve. The very next time on the water, ran great for one day, then when I was running in the middle of the lake at 68 mph, the ski completely locked up, and would not start. I took it back to dealer, who says that the shaft of the supercharger is bent and the bearings are all ruined. I was not jumping wakes or anything when this happened. Does anyone have any idea about how this could happen just running across the lake? I am concerned because the dealer is charging me 800 to fix this - right after I paid them 690 to put in the new washers and popoff valve. I am unfortunately not a mechanic and cannot work on it myself. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.
that a bummer, dude,..a few variables, one inwhich, neglect to lube/grease everything on SC when it was apart, but not much you can do...2-3hundred buks more, buy brand new assy from this site"PARTS" tab up top...good luck
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My 2005 RXP began running slow, maxing out at 54 mph at 6500 rpm. Knowing about the ceramic washers from this forum (thanks to all posts on that topic) I took it to my dealer. Sure enough, the washers were toast. Dealer replaced washers, and put in a pop-off valve. The very next time on the water, ran great for one day, then when I was running in the middle of the lake at 68 mph, the ski completely locked up, and would not start. I took it back to dealer, who says that the shaft of the supercharger is bent and the bearings are all ruined. I was not jumping wakes or anything when this happened. Does anyone have any idea about how this could happen just running across the lake? I am concerned because the dealer is charging me 800 to fix this - right after I paid them 690 to put in the new washers and popoff valve. I am unfortunately not a mechanic and cannot work on it myself. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

What kind of oil are you using????? should be mineral oil not the synthetic...
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