OK so I have a 2000 RXDI and I’ve been having trouble starting it turns over and fires up but dies almost immediately I’ve been told the air and fuel pressure is very important on these so I just replaced the fuel pressure regulator under the fuel rail and I opened up the air compressor top And peers to have some type ofis a gray fluid assuming I have water in it I got water in it by accident unloading it of the dock forgot to put the drain plugs back in so it took on alot of water in the Engine compartment...Any thoughts on possibilities to fix and reason why it will fire up for only a second ..? I already taken the spark plugs out and turned the motor over to blow the water out....Whats the best way to get the water out of the air compressors pump??i just tried turning it over with the spark plugs out and i dont see the air pump piston moving up and down .not sure if its supposed to or not all the time when turning over ?
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