Runaway RPM's on trailer

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New Member
96 spx will idle for a while on the garden hose, but if I throttle at all it will rev way up and won't stop unless I pull the choke. After pulling the choke, it calms down, but then builds back up by itself untill I pull the choke again. It doesn't do this in the water (I'm assuming something about the added pressure on the pump). What could cause this?

Also, not sure if this is related but in the water, it sounds like it's running rough somewhere in the middle of idle and when it gets on plane. One thing at a time though. thanks -Zack
It sounds that you have an air leak, the first place to check is the carb. base gaskets. BTW, it's not a good idea to run your Seadoo for more than a minute on the hose.

Check for a vacuum leak.

If it is sucking air, the more air it gets, the more fuel it will draw. Vicious circle kind of thing..

Use something like WD-40. Once you hit the leak it will either stumble or rev up. Spay the carbs, carb gaskets, hoses, ect ect.

(I corrected the typo in your Heading).
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