Riva Exhaust

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New Member
I'm a new member here and also to the PWC community. I have a 2012 RXT is 260. Was looking into getting a Riva Free Flow exhaust for it. When searching the web, I haven't seen any RXT (is) PCW's with this mod. Mostly RXP models. Is there a reason (is) owner's don't install this mod? My question's are.......Should I do it? Love the sound but is it too loud and annoying? Will it affect my PWC in a bad way? Just looking for your thoughts.

I do understand that the exhaust would not make any performance improvements and I'm not looking for that. I was mainly looking for the sound. Just don't know if it's too loud. Wondering if it will get annoying after a while and make me go back to the original exhaust.
I've done a diy freeflo exhaust to my 215. There is a droning around 3k-5k...but I'm usually not in that rpm range for long..and I love the dubba-dubba-dubba it makes at idle...in a no wake zone, especially around a marina.

From everything I've been told about an iS model...there isn't room to use so much as a screw driver in there w/o having to remove the upper half of the hull. So...can't help you with any tips...sorry.
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