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re jetting question

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New Member
i have decided to switch my 1995 gtx to premix
it has a 657 engine

my question is what size jetting do i need to switch to to accomodate for the oil

But I have read on these forums that if you switch to premix and don't re jet the ski will run lean and overheat
thankyou i thought i had seen it but i must have seen it it somewhere else and i trust yall more than anyone else

def givving rep points
Yes… the oil will displace a small amount of fuel… but most of the older boats ran rich anyway. The 720 engines after 96 were leaned out (went from a 137.5 down to a 130 main jet)… but you should be fine.

If, you want/need more fuel… and your carbs don’t need rebuilt… then just turn out the high mixture screw a little to richen it up. You don’t “Need” to rejet.
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