Rave Valve/ Motor Exchange

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New Member
As you will see from photo's this is a pretty major problem.
Have pulled motor out, apart and am waiting on parts.
Apparently i should have replaced the raves before they got to the stage that they can go through to the piston. They didn't look that worn to me when i cleaned them 30 running hours ago.
My problem is i wont to be prepared for this or other breaks in the future so want to purchase a spare engine or two.
Over here they ask to much for an exchange rebuild and i cannot find a used motor for sale.
I have seen heaps on ebay in the US and was hoping to find a mediator to do the exchange and deliver for shipping to the land of OZ.
I would be very appriciative if someone could help me with this, and i'm sure we could come to some agreement for your services.
I am just throwing an idea in the air, but i think this could work for both parties involved.
I would obviously cover all costs!! All i need is somebody's time.


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Send me a PM, with list of what you want. I will look for the items with a price and figure out the shipping cost. I have never shipped out of the U.S but I'll look into what is required. I own a retail business, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal for me.

looking at your cylinder head and piston I thougt this might apply to you. but I could be wrong. If you have ever seen the outer diameter of a cylinder head dome that looks as if it's been eaten by termites, you have seen the results of detonation. It packs a physical force that is roughly equivalent to hitting the edge of the piston crown with a full arm swing of a ball peen hammer. In a short amount of time, this detonation pounding will collapse the ring land and lock the ring in place (usually on the hotter running exhaust side of the piston). As soon as the ring is locked, the flames of combustion burn the oil film off of the cylinder wall, and the scoring/ seizure process begins. Because of the exhaust side scoring and the swift overheating caused by detonation, you'll have a 50/50 chance of a four corner seizure or a "lean mixture" appearing seizure. Only an experienced watercraft engine builder will be able to accurately diagnose this seizure source. I dont like to see people rebuild their engine more than once. I have seen post on here where people have had their engine rebuilt 3 times and still have the same problem. even a new engine can do this if you put back your old parts on it without repairing the problem with them. I do not think that people take some of these post of mine seriously by the replies I recieve. as I have said I can be wrong so please do your homework. thanks robin
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