Hi guys, I would like to know how to adjust the rave valves on my challenger 787. There is 3 of them and im not sure how to do to adjust them. Thank you
The stock setting on all three is the red button flush with the top of the cap. I would leave the water control valve at the factory setting. However the RAVE valves can be set to your personal preference. I like mine about three turns in (clockwise), at this setting they will activate at about 4500 rpm.
Hey louDoo, i just tried to adjust my rave valves at 3 turn in from flush position and when i reach 2 turn and a half i am maxed all the way in, any clue why?
Hey louDoo, i just tried to adjust my rave valves at 3 turn in from flush position and when i reach 2 turn and a half i am maxed all the way in, any clue why?
Everything is clean, new gasket and o ring, and the raves are facing top. Even when I take the asjustment cap off and try to adjust it before putting it back on, its maxed out at 2.5 turn