PWC Owners interested in Fantasy Football ?

Spimothy Leary

Well-Known Member
At the request of a couple of members, i'm going to run a small Fantasy Football league again.
I ran one for 2-3 years and then it kind of fell apart, it was free and eventually non motivated team owners faded away.
If your interested, please PM me your email address, and i'll send an invite.
8 Teams, Two Divisions, Standup and Couch.
Friendly league, that will either be free, or like 20 clams to enter, (I've found in the past that its easier to get a serious owner if there is a small contribution)
If we get lots of interest, i'll expand to 10-12 teams, but for now, until I get more than the 3 I have, i'll stick with 8.
Also,if somebody else is a real junkie, i'll gladly pass along commish duties to you, i'm only doing this because two people asked me to set it up again.
the league will be on ESPN, its a good site for a league.
Tentative Draft Date Thursday 8/30/12
i like football but not enough to know about it to join a fantasy, but would def do a hockey pool when time comes!

we right now have 10 players and 1 alternate.

need 1 more interested party to expand the league to 12 team's.
Our pwc fantasy league is in its 3rd year, 12 members.
we had a guy drop out yesterday so there is One opening.
$30 Espn league, and we draft Monday at 8pm.
PM me your email if interested and i'll send an invite.
Thanks !
I'm sure someone will sign up. I would be in but I have plans Monday night. (and I am already in too many leagues)
ya, I hate the last second deal, If I had two weeks notice then I wouldn't worry. and i'm in too many leagues myself lol
but I like this one because its all Jet ski guys.


Kerry just took it.. RXP owner :)
My PWC League is entering its 4th year... we have one team owner dropping out so we have an opening...

$35 league fee's ($5 going towards trophy, $30 towards prize pool) Next year will be $35 + $5 to pay off trophy.

after that we plan on staying at $40 total all going towards prize pool. 12 team re-drafter, on ESPN.

If your interested in taking over a team, post up or (better) shoot me a PM and i'll get you in, first come first serve.

I'd be down if someone wanted to go in on a team with me. I work Sunday's so I can't make last minute changes, but I'm always up to date... [MENTION=29781]Spimothy Leary[/MENTION]