PWC Accident this past weekend

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New Member
Hello all, This is probably not the best place to post this but it's relevant none the less to all here. This past weekend one of my neighbors on the lake had all his family up for a fun weekend of boating, skiing, PWC ridings and generally having a good time. Mixed in with this bunch was his grandson about 13 and a friend of his. Well I could tell that these two were not riding safely once and actually asked them to be careful. Riding way too close to each other and doing donuts around each other while on the move. Keep in mind they were doing this all outside the watchful eye of their grand dad (my neighbor). Well on Sunday the inevitable happened. The 2 boats got tangled up and the the grandson's friend ran over the kid and broke his leg pretty bad. It obviously could have been a lot worse but both PWC's were tore up pretty bad.

I was pulling my kids on the wake board with the big boat since my XP is currently "under the weather" and some jacka$$ in a wake board boat both cut right across my bow whopping and hollering. I had to shut down my boat which ticked off my son who was boarding at the time. When I told him what happened he understood and shifted his frustration toward the guy in the other boat. We went back in and only when out early in the mornings when all the nut jobs were sleeping off the previous days festivities. I say all this to say that when we are on the water we have to keep our heads about us and be watchful for the "other guy".

Hope these 2 stories helps to keep others safe where we can all enjoy our water sports.

wow, sorry to hear, but glad it is only a broken leg considering the impact. when I first started reading your post I thought it was going to have a much more tragic ending.

very good point though, it's a fairly small lake here and you never know when a boat pulling a tuber is going to make a sudden cut in front of you. I've pretty much come to expect it so try to keep as much distance as possible.
Boats pulling tubers are the absolute worst! At least when someone is skiing or boarding you know the boat will be pretty much in a straight line. Distance is most certainly survival on holiday weekends!

I'm on a small lake too ... when I see more than 5 boats in tow out there. I just sit at the dock and wait it out. I am one of those dudes that horses around wrecklessly probably irritating a few ppl, although I only do it bymyself and when the lake is damn near empty. For sure good to hear only a broken leg. Sometimes ... who am I kidding ... Most of the time we all need to learn lessons the hard way. 8 weeks and they'll be back at it no doubt .:biggrinjester:
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