Purchased 04 Speedster 200

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New Member
Hello all, new to boats (Seadoo) and the seadoo forum. I recently purchased a Seadoo Speedster 200 and love it. I do have a few questions as I am definitely new to all of this. I tried searching, but no results.

1. The second time I took the boat out, the right engine (engine 2) was at a super high idle. I have two 155hp engines. Engine 1 on the left was at a steady cold start idle at around 2500ish rpm if i recall correctly. Engine 2 was at 5-6k rpm idle. I knew that was waaaay too high. I shut it off and started it back up, then it went to 7k, turned both engines off and it went back to 5k. I got out of the no wake zone and continued on slowly. Eventually, prob 10-15 mins in, both engines were pretty well matched at where they should be and I didn't experience any more high idle. Start ups have been flawless with ease, and she ran strong all day. Just curious if that is normal or if it's something I should look into.

2. Previous owner stated plugs were changed and was winterized accordingly. I'm not sure if I should bring it in for a tune up, but am wondering what should that entail if I do? I want to keep her running strong. I would do all the maintenance myself, but I really don't know where to start. I was going to have the dealer hook up their computer to it and see if any readings were off, check compression, etc...

So far, those are the main things. I have a Gaffrig Performance depth finder but it doesn't seem to work. Just beeps. I don't even know where the transducer is located unfortunately.

It also came with a Bimini top, but it is very low. I realized you can get different sizes and original owner must have wanted it lower for more shade. It's just really hard to get from the swim decl to the seats as you have to kind of limbo underneath the rear portion. It completely blocks my view as the driver to anyone behind me. It doesn't seem to be adjustable. I have a wake tower, so the top will only be as high with it open, while towing a tube/wakeboard. Maybe someone can share pics/dimensions with a top open and a tower installed?

Anyone have any recommendations on beach spikes? I have seen Sand Spikes some that are like $50, but I bet there are cheaper alternatives unless those are something you guys recommend.

I have plenty more questions, but those seemed to be at the top of the list.

Thanks again for all the help. Looking forward to a great season.
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The bimini fits really weird on the 200 tower. That is pretty normal That is the exact reason i didnt buy one for mine. It sat too low, and wouldnt clear the speakers.
The bimini fits really weird on the 200 tower. That is pretty normal That is the exact reason i didnt buy one for mine. It sat too low, and wouldnt clear the speakers.

I actually didn't mount it to the tower. I will try that. I noticed two holes too, maybe the bimini top will be able to mount there.

Anyone else have any idea on my idle issue? Im going to take it out again on the lake this weekend, so I'll see if it acts up.
Congratulations on the new boat. I hope it brings you many years of fun. I would perform the following maintenance, BEFORE you continue to use it...

Change your oil and plugs, there are kits available online including a manual pump, correct oil, filter and o-rings. Inspect and/or replace coolant. Remove jet pumps and inspect bearings. Check seals and replace if needed. Based on the age of your pumps, I would order new OEM bearings and seals and be done. Replace grease in pump cone. Inspect wear rings and impellers. Replace wear rings if needed. I would also open all electrical connections and clean with electrical contact cleaner, then dab some dielectric grease in each fitting and close.

I would also purchase a Boat US or Sea Tow membership. One $700.00 or more tow in will really suck...

Good luck!
Regardless of getting the engines tuned or not, I don't see that getting the idle down to a realistic number.

The 4-tech engines are very much like modern day car engines as far as the engine electronics. There are (Throttle Position Sensor), TPS's of the engine and these need to be checked and adjusted with a BUDS or CanDoo Pro system. It could be the TPS. It could be a temperature sensor THINKING it is cold when in reality it is warm. If it thinks it is cold it will raise the idle, much like a choke on the older engines.

Were you matching the throttle levers or did you split them? If matched, it could be as simple as they need adjusted which would solve the high idle issue.
Regardless of getting the engines tuned or not, I don't see that getting the idle down to a realistic number.

The 4-tech engines are very much like modern day car engines as far as the engine electronics. There are (Throttle Position Sensor), TPS's of the engine and these need to be checked and adjusted with a BUDS or CanDoo Pro system. It could be the TPS. It could be a temperature sensor THINKING it is cold when in reality it is warm. If it thinks it is cold it will raise the idle, much like a choke on the older engines.

Were you matching the throttle levers or did you split them? If matched, it could be as simple as they need adjusted which would solve the high idle issue.

agree, most likely tps reset needed. but could be a few other sensor as well. you could always start with a tps reset and see.
hey everyone, thanks for the replies. so i contacted the previous owner, he said the two holes on the tower for a bimini anchor, so another place to put the tower.

I also took it back out to the lake, upon initial start up, BOTH engines idles were fine. both around 2500rpm idle cold, which was great compared to last time when one of them was at 5-6k rpm just on a cold start idle. I will definitely try to do some of that maintenance listed. i really don't know how, so hopefully there are some tutorials on here.

best place to get parts or items for the boat? websites, vendors etc...?
hey everyone, thanks for the replies. so i contacted the previous owner, he said the two holes on the tower for a bimini anchor, so another place to put the tower.

I also took it back out to the lake, upon initial start up, BOTH engines idles were fine. both around 2500rpm idle cold, which was great compared to last time when one of them was at 5-6k rpm just on a cold start idle. I will definitely try to do some of that maintenance listed. i really don't know how, so hopefully there are some tutorials on here.

best place to get parts or items for the boat? websites, vendors etc...?

look at the top of this forum web page
look at the top of this forum web page

awesome thank you!!!! does anyone recommend a good wake board rack? if i researched correctly, the stock seadoo tower is 1 7/8 diameter. I found Monster, but looks pricey, not sure if there are other great alternatives members were happy with.
alright, so i didn't want to start another thread for forum etiquette, but having a fuel gauge issue. Yes, I googled and read the shop manual regarding to check if your gauge is not working. I feel like mine is kind of in between and didn't find any solution. My gauge shows FULL all the time. well, most of the time. I went boating this past weekend and thought i used a lot of gas. I have been generally filling up 8ish gallons each time i go back. It does move tot he 3/4 line, so it still does work technically. I know we have 40 gallon tanks, it just doesn't seem to move that much. It'll bounce for sure when moving through the water.

the reason why i don't think it works is because the fuel gauge shows FULL when the boat is off. I have not filled up since. is it supposed to show EMPTY when the boat is off? Also, I tried the whole, activate your boats electronics by pressing the start engine button. I mean, not sure if I did it correctly but I turned on my batteries. DID NOT insert a key, then pressed the start/stop engine button, i pressed one, then both, the other button by itself, nothing. so don't know if it activated it properly. any help please?
It is not uncommon, on my boat, for the fuel gauge to show full, even after using about 8-10 gallons of gas. I did let it go, for a while, and it read between 1/4 and 1/2 and took 32 gallons. So, it is not super accurate, but it does work...
Ours read 3/4 tank, but took over 20 gallons last time we filled her up. She holds 44, so the gauge was definitely not too accurate.
It is not uncommon, on my boat, for the fuel gauge to show full, even after using about 8-10 gallons of gas. I did let it go, for a while, and it read between 1/4 and 1/2 and took 32 gallons. So, it is not super accurate, but it does work...

Ours read 3/4 tank, but took over 20 gallons last time we filled her up. She holds 44, so the gauge was definitely not too accurate.

i appreciate the replies. yeah, it seems as I'm seeing the same things as you both. This is my first boat, and never owned a tank with 40 gallons, so maybe I'm just not using as much gas as I think I am. But definitely not as accurate as what you both are experiencing. Taking over 20 gallons and even 32 and still showing at 1/2 etc...

does your low fuel light still come on and how much do you generally have left if your light comes on?
I'll get the low fuel alarm when my gauges read 1/4 tank.

cool, good to know. I guess that'll be time to either start heading in or find a fuel station. Maybe I'll bring a 5 gallon tank with me just in case for the weekend. I figured when wakeboarding you're not using as much gas since going at low speeds and lots of stopping involved. Tubing will prob be a bit different since i'll actually be moving more. I'll have to gauge it out.

I'm going to run some Mercury Fuel System clean this weekend, just to be safe and clear up any lines or gunk. She's running amazing right now, but I guess it wouldn't hurt.
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