Proud new owner of 2002 GTX-DI, what should I do to ensure trouble free performance?

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Hi all,

I stumbled upon this forum and noticed some very well answered questions. I then decided to sign up and become a member (My first forum).

I just recently purchased a 2002 GTX-DI. When I got it, I had issues with it loosing fuel pressure. Got stranded and had to swim back with a rope, friend and Jetski. Not pleasant, although we had a good couple laughs. I since had the fuel pump replaced. Ever since it has been running like a champ. The guy a bought it from replaced the top end before he sold it. I have taken it easy on the gas, so the top end can get "run in" a bit.

Anyways here is my question: What other maintenance should be done on this ski? I am just reading now about pump oil? I am very familiar with 2 stroke engines and how they work. I have rebuilt many of them (motor cycles). I know this is a rotax motor. I am not sure what the difference is between this and a regular 2-stroke but they look the same (apart from the very cool fuel injection) but I am not familiar with how this ski exactly operates so I do not know what else I should be maintaining. Since I do not know much on the history I am just trying to cover my bases and limit my possibility of having to swim back to the ramp.

I took it to a seadoo dealer to replace the fuel pump. They tell me I do not have to do anything, just keep the 2 stroke oil fill, gas it up and rinse off the saltwater. Isn't there more to it than this?

On a side note when I start it, I can hear a rattle noise. Apparently this is normal? It goes away when I rev it and I can not really hear it in the water. Additionally, when I am running it on low RPM, I can hear it kinda "misfiring" sort of skipping a beat. This is only at very low throttle, if you give it gas it gets going. Like I said I have taken it pretty easy but have gotten to 50mph with 3/4 throttle. It just worries me that this "misfire" at low RPM is an electrical / spark issue and that one day it is gonna die @ WOT? I cannot hear or feel it when I give it gas.

Anyways TIA for your responses. It looks like I found a good place! :)
Welcome, and congrats on your ski.

The Di is a strange beast, and other than the injection system... it will require the regular maintenance.

The oil injection system needs to be serviced every 2 years... and (to keep the engine alive) I recommend to just give it a look over, every time you have the seat off of the ski. (just to look for leaks, or hoses that need replaced) When you service the Oil system, you replace the filter in the main feed hose, replace the small injector hoses going from the pump to the engine, bleed the system, and check the pump calibration.

I know that sounds like a lot... but it will take less than an hour to do.

On a seadoo... whenever we have someone post about "My engine died because of the crappy oil injection".... it normally was because the system was never serviced, and a hose broke, or the filter was clogged.

Also, if it was my ski, I would check the oil in the jet pump. You will have to remove the nozzle, and then remove the little plug in the tail cone... then put a small screw driver in it. (like a dip stick) THe oil should be almost full, and clean. If it isn't, pull the pump, and figure out if the seals and bearings need changed.

Finally... it's a 2-stroke. If it has a slight low to mid RPM miss... I wouldn't worry about it. (yet) Once you get it up to running temp... and you've held the throttle open for a while... it will probably clear out. Since you are taking it easy right now... it's probably just loading up a little.
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Thanks for the reply.

I would like to check the oil in the jet pump, excuse my ignorance but what is the nozzle? LOL. I am assuming somewhere on the back where the water comes out?

I have visually inspected and did find a lot of 2 stroke oil laying around. I immediately looked for where it was leaking from however I could not see a leak. I do see smoke coming out when I start the engine and have ridden it about 4 times for quite a while and it is still running so I am assuming it is getting its lubrication. I cleaned up the oil with a rag and will check to see if any more shows up after my next ride. Maybe somebody spilled some? I just do not see a leak anywhere unless it is under the engine where I cannot see. I filled the oil tank up when I got it and the gas. Since then I have almost used up all the gas but the oil is still full. I did full it up right to the top so I am assuming I did not see a drop because the oil was all the way up the pipe? Is this normal? How much 2 stroke should I be burning? Also where can I purchase the kit to service the oil pump. That will help me sleep better .

Thanks again for your help with this. It is awesome to have expert knowledge at hand!
I have a 2002 GTX DI.If the motor its getting enough oil (besides blowing up) will the computer shut the ski down. The reason I am asking. My Ski runs for a little while and then will shut completely down. It takes a few seconds to start back up and run like it is loaded up for a little bit.
I have a 2002 GTX DI.If the motor its getting enough oil (besides blowing up) will the computer shut the ski down. The reason I am asking. My Ski runs for a little while and then will shut completely down. It takes a few seconds to start back up and run like it is loaded up for a little bit.
Bvaughn, do you know if you ski still has the original fuel pump. Those are very problematic and could cause the behaviour you are describing. That was the issue with mine too. I got a new pump and all is well. Even bombardier uses a different supplier now for the replacement part because the original one is useless. If you have a dealer nearby, you can have them put it in water tank, start it and see if it is loosing fuel pressure. Mine was. Hopes this helps.

As for the computer turning off the engine if it doesnt get enough oil. I do not know. We can only hope :)
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