Problems removing driveshaft 1996 Seadoo Challenger

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My DOO Don't

New Member
Purchased a 1996 Seadoo Challenger several years ago. Previous owner claimed drive shaft, and drivetrain components had been professionally replaced the previous year, and had service invoice supporting this claim. Used the boat several times that summer and it performed well. Early in the fall took it out to use it again. Performed well for first part of day. However, it very suddenly developed an issue where it had throttle, but no thrust. Checked for debris in jet pump, but nothing. Ended up having to be towed in.

Long story short, life got in the way, and the boat sat for a few years. Finally got the time to mess with it this year. After doing some research and digging around in the boat, decided to rebuild the drive shaft and jet pump components. Purchased the shop manual. Have successfully removed jet pump and all clips, o-rings, and clamps related to drive shaft. However, I am unable to remove the drive shaft itself. It appears as if the drive shaft was replaced without the rubber bumpers, at least on the end by the impeller (I can, of course, not see the other end). At this point, the drive shaft will push in to a point where it seems to go forward past the splines on the pto. In this position, the drive shaft will spin freely. If the drive shaft is maneuvered back toward the stern, I can feel the splines engage again and the drive shaft will not spin freely. If the rubber bumper was not reinstalled when the drive shaft was replaced, would this be the scenario? In any event, the drive shaft will not come out, even when the splines are aligned. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Does anyone have any suggestions for removal of the drive shaft in this situation? I greatly appreciate any help that can be provided!
Did you free the stainless ring? The driveshaft seal is probably holding it. The bumpers have nothing to do with hold it in place.
Yes, the stainless ring is free. It seems like the driveshaft has traveled too far forward into the PTO due to the lack of bumpers being installed. Now it wont back out.
That's not really possible, unless it's stripped internally, and just not lined up to come out. Besides... the bumper is only 3/8" when new. Smashed... they are 1/8" It's not really a critical dimension.

Anyway... if that's what happened... have someone pull on the D-shaft, and you turn the engine over by hand. But... was it stripped and not spinning?
The drive shaft will slide forward toward the fly wheel about 1/8". In this position, I can grab the drive shaft with my hand and it freely spins like the splines are not engaged. Then, if I move the drive shaft back1/8" toward the stern, it feels like the splines engage again, and I can no longer freely rotate the drive shaft by grabbing it with my hand. However, I cannot get the drive shaft to pull out from here. I have even tried aligning different positions on the splines by pushing the drive train forward, spinning it one notch, moving it back toward the stern until it feels like the splines have engaged again. The drive shaft simply will not pull out. Have not yet had a chance to try your suggestion of turning the engine by hand. So frustrating! Nearest mechanic that will even look at this thing is over 3 hours away!
Well.. this is new one on me. It really sounds like the flywheel is stripped, and is stuck because of the debris. There isn't a dead spot up in the flywheel... so you should be able to push it all the way in, and still be engaged. (even without the bumper)

I guess if this was mine... I would use a "Come-along" and a strap that is wrapped around the driveshaft... and start pulling.
Finally got the drive shaft out! Tightly wrapped rope around stern end of drive shaft and secured with gorilla tape. Secured 3 builders stakes in ground behind stern of boat and wrapped chain around stakes. Secured come-along to chain, then secured rope from drive shaft to come-along. Used come-along to exert a firm but reasonable tension (didn't want to pull rope off drive shaft). Wiggled, and pulled on drive shaft as it was under this tension, and slowly backed drive shaft out 1/32" at a time.

Was expecting splines on drive shaft to be trashed, but that was not the case. Not sure what inside of flywheel looks like. Does anyone know of a trick for looking in there while the engine is still in the boat?
take the rubber boot and carbon ring off from the inside. hold an inspection mirror down there. shine a flashlight on the mirror if you need to.
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