I use a mirror to see what I'm doing down there, since it's in such a hard to see area.
I don't recommend pre-mix because your going to spend a lot more money in oil than you can imagine. The variable rate injection pump is really easy on the oil.
If you use a mirror, you'll see there are 2 small allen head bolts that hold that thing on. Take those two out and pull the pump up so you can see it/work on it.
You mentioned the "cracked" lines. I dont' think they are cracked. I may be wrong but my small oil lines that lead to each carb are painted white. When I moved them around, they would crack. But that cracking is the paint, not the hoses.
One last thing. The oil injection pump has to be syncronized with the carbs. This is done with the MAG idle stop screw backed out and the carbs completly closed. Then, you'll align the cam (the half moon thingy you were talkin about) to the pump where the marks are. The pix nswillin put in looks good but I can't read that fine print. If that says its the alignment, it's a little off the marks. That's probably because after aligning it, you turn the idle stop screw in 2 full turns.
Pull the pump, look at the cam. See if you can determine if your spring is sprung or if there is something causing it to jump the groove.....:cheers: