Port Engine Slipping

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New Member
Hello all. I've had a few problems with the port engine and I was hoping someone might be able to help me sound more intelligent should I need to take it to a dealer.

First off, we bought a 1997 SeaDoo Challenger 1800 in October last year. After taking it out a few times with no problems, all of the sudden the port engine would not rev up over 5000 RPMs. I could nudge it over by backing off the engine, down to about 4000 then punching it up. After a few times nudging the throttle down then up, it would jump up over 5000 and be fine...at least u ntil I slowed down then tried to speed up again.

This spring, after I changed the plugs and fuel filters and ran it it was doing the same thing.

Then this weekend, I had it out on the lake for a few hours. At the beginning, same thing...5000 RPMs, throttle back, throttle up and over 5000 we go.

Then as I was getting ready to head back to the ramp, I noticed a noise coming from the port side, the best way to explain the noise is that it sort of sounded like a growl coming from under the boat.

So I backed off to idle to see if we were getting interference or feedback from the radio, we weren't. When I throttled back up and the engines got to about 3500-4000 RPM, the port engine started slipping, up to 8000 RPM and I have to back off it quickly. Everytime I tried to get up from then on, it would slip.

I got back to the ramp on the starboard engine, pulled the boat and checked for anything stuck in the impellers...nothing.

When I got home I pulled the housing off the rear so I could see the impeller and the shaft. I pulled a couple yards of fishing line out that was stuck and wrapped around where the shaft meets the impeller, then put the unit back together. I have not had a chance to put it back in the water yet, but I have a hard time believing that a few yards of fishing line would cause that.

Has anyone experienced similar problems before? Or would anyone know what might be the cause? Could the fishing line actually cause that to happen?

Steve, sounds like the RAVES are stick'n. Pop the black caps off the motors and undo each of the allen heads, and pull unit up/out. Inspect the guitines, and i'll bet they're all charred look'n. Clean with wire brush and carb cleaner.
You know that's a good point. I've been reading that these should be cleaned annually. I bought the boat in October and from what I was told, it was not run at all last summer or the summer before. I will try cleaning these and see if that helps.

But, would that account for the slipping?
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