New Member
Hey guys, alot of ya'll was helping with the following thread http://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?49248-Help-please-Not-sure-what-to-do! and kinda wanted to close that one out and start from after the fact. Thanks to everyone I tore it down to see the rotary valve spinning freely and took it to the lake for a spin. While at the lake after it being hard to start, meaning holding the choke open while pushing the start button for 7-10 secs about four or fives times before it fired up. We ran the boat for about 25 minutes and then cut the engines off. When I went to start the port engine it died after turning over and running for 10 secs. then would not start. I had to wait about five minutes and then pulled the choke open and it took about the same as starting when first launching at the lake (hold choke open then push start button about three times for 7-10 secs at a time). It runs great once it fires up and stays started. I just am not sure why it would need the choke opened everytime I go to start it. This will be a pain when I have the kids in it tubin and swimmin.
Lou gave the advice to clean the spark/flame arrestor, so i pulled both of them and was shocked at which one was dirtier. Attached a photo to help. As you can tell the nasty one came off the starboard engine which fires up easy everytime and restarts like nothing. I soaked them in Purple power and washed out with hot water and now letting them soak in Dawn til bed time. I also went ahead and changed out the spark plugs (attached photo) event though they were new by only a few runs on the lake.
If anyone has any advice or help on this it would be appreciated. I aint very mechanical but can listen to instructions like no other and not talk back.Thanks for the help guys!
99 Speedster SK