Plugged return hole in carb

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I really messed up! Hoping things can be salvaged.

I was cleaning my carbs and the return orfice was plugged in one of my carbs. With much effort, time, fine needles for cleaning 3d printer nozzles, and many different solvents and oils, I managed to get it cleared out, yay!

Went to do the same process on the other carb that was not plugged and the needle broke off in the hole (fml). It was raised about 0.5 mm where it broke off, but the recessed hole is too small to allow any pliers into the recess to grab it. I tried compressed air, plugging the return line and filling it with water then super heating with a torch to build more pressure and hopefully expand the aluminum enough to blast the steel needle out but none of this worked. I eventually tried to push the needle through into the brass line with a small drift but it only managed to reach the surface and not push all the way through. Pretty sure it bottomed out and embedded into whatever is on the opposite side of that hole, I presume carb body. Nevertheless I tried to use an all to push it through further but I was unable to get the sharp point of the all to rest on the steel needle and made a few indents in the aluminum instead as seen in the pictures.

Is there anything I can do besides buy a new carb? I've considered drilling it all the way through, filling with solder, and then redrilling a small hole into the solder. My issue with the latter is that idk what solder sticks to aluminum and I would need to put something down the brass line to keep the solder localized where it needs to be and everything I can think of to use would melt or burn during soldering (I would likely need to heat the entire carb body to soldering temp for this to work assuming solder exists that would work for this). Maybe I can drill it out, tap the hole and insert a jet instead? Seems like it should already have a jet since the hole is so small I'm not surprised it got plugged to begin with. And servicing a jet would be much easier. Could I just drill it out and use a larger hole the size of the recessed hole or does it need to be so tiny? Could I use a micro bit and drill a new hole next to the plugged one or does it need to be centered perfectly?

Thanks in advance!


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You are going to have to get it clear or it will not run. Only other option is a new carb.
You are going to have to get it clear or it will not run. Only other option is a new carb.
When you say get it clear does that mean I can drill it out? Does it matter if one hole is bigger than the other? It seems the returns are in series with each other on my ski so the one with the"correct" size hole may limit the return flow enough? Or I could drill both of them larger and do something similar to this post?
Carburetor Drilled Return Pressure Balancing Modification GPR, XLT, GP, SUV, etc.
Have you tried glue? A magnet? Could drill it and insert a stainless tube in there. Interference fit style.
I tried a magnet. No dice. Didn't try glue but it's not raised anymore and the surface area was so small I doubt this would have worked anyways. I like the stainless tube idea! May try that. How accurately sized does the hole need to be?
Can you drill it out, but then put a metered fitting on the fuel return hose end, that should keep the pressure "regulated"?
Like the Yamaha 1200 hack (mikunu carbs).
Carburetor Drilled Return Pressure Balancing Modification GPR, XLT, GP, SUV, etc.
Yea I saw that. Wasn't sure if it would work with a seafood though. Didn't see why I wouldn't but figured I'd ask before trying. Probably what I'll do. Seems easiest and will prevent plugging in the carb. Any idea how big the metering hole needs to be for a 787 1997 gtx?
I just noticed that the carbs in here

Carburetor Drilled Return Pressure Balancing Modification GPR, XLT, GP, SUV, etc.

all have fuel pumps and connect to their own pulse according to the schematic shown, as well as being plummed in parallel. However according to the pictures they all are plummed in series like the carbs on my 97 gtx but I can't tell if they all have pumps or not and I don't know if this is necessary either I'm getting ready to put things together but want to be sure I'm not going to mess something up by trying this mod incorrectly.
Well I did the mod and the ski won't run. It's not getting any gas for whatever reason. No gas will remain in the fuel filter when everything is connected. The fuel just flows right through the carbs it seems. From tank, through carbs, back to tank. Fuel doesn't seem to be going through the jets and into the combustion chamber.

Ski runs great if I keep priming it constantly!

I did a full carb rebuild with genuine mikuni parts. Tested the fuel pump and tested the popoff. All within spec. The pulse also is working because I can feel suction on that line when cranking the engine over. I also feel suction on the fuel inlet with the pulse connected. but the fuel filter doesn't fill up. As soon as I start cranking the fuel filter level drops but never empties all the way. If I suck on the line with my mouth the fuel filter fills up but as soon as I put the fuel line on the carb the fuel drains somewhere (judging by the fuel filter not remaining full). It's not draining into the hull but I have no clue where it's going. If I unhook the return line and crank the engine fuel pours out of the returns from the carbs. It seems like the fuel is simply going in the inlet and out the returns and not making it to the jets.

Any ideas?
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