Please help stop jet ski restrictions!


New Member
Here in Northern California we are in dire need of help. NOAA is proposing expanding the current sanctuary which ends at Bodega Bay to extend all the way to Point Arena. This means NO PWC (jet skis) are allowed. Currently they have a provision to set aside some zones where we can still ride, but opposition is building up fast and they are very vocal. Please go to this address and leave a decent comment, stating that you support the MPWC zones as proposed.

We need to stop this here, otherwise it will continue on with lakes, rivers, etc. Marin County has already outlawed them on every single body of water. Soon they will be in your area trying to stop you from riding PWC, ATVs, dirt bikes and so on.

Please leave a comment by clicking on the link below. We need as many as possible, and we only have until June 30th. Remember, you don't have to live here to write a comment.!submitComment;D=NOAA-NOS-2012-0228-0321 This is the direct link to comment section!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NOS-2012-0228-0321 this is the proposed regulation document.

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I'm giving this a bump guys... Please go to the link above and leave a support comment for the PWC, the enviro-wackos are trying to shut us down here... We need to stand united! We only have 4 days until they close public comments. Thanks!!
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I would be happy to sign a petition or submit my opinion, but there doesn't appear to be a way to do so. The first link just goes to a site to download files, and the link in the second post appears to be dead.

IMO, if y'all are serious about stopping this regulation you need to one, post the regulation and two, start a petition, it's hard to submit an opinion without seeing the proposed regulation.

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We caught this too late as they are trying to sneak this through (that's how they pass these laws) and we are very serious about stopping it!

Here is the proposed regulation:!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NOS-2012-0228-0321

We have been fighting for a year to get a few zones where we can ride. NOAA finally included a few in the proposed regulation (see link above). They have a public comment section, which is like a petition, and the opposition is very vocal and wants the riding zones removed. Unfortunately there is no time for a petition.
If you go to the above site, read the document and at the top right there is a blue button "Comment Now".

Let me know if that link doesn't work. You may need to try it a few times, especially if there is a lot of traffic. Thanks for the help!! Remember we only have until June 30...
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I'd have to say good luck as the freaks here have pushed us 200 meters off shore lines all the way down the coast. We've tried to have our say with no luck now saying that, boats and such don't have the restrictions of having to stay the 200 meters out.
This basically means when you launch your ski your passenger better be with you or they better be a good swimmer cause we're now not allowed to go to the shores and pick them up. I just can't work that one out to save my life