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Overheating Problem???!!

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New Member
Ok so b4 I get chewed out I know this is not a seadoo. I have two seadoo jet skis and have got excellent advice in the past on them...I have a 93 kawasaki SS Xi 750 that my wife rides. It runs great normally. We were riding in the lake yesterday and after two hours of riding we parked had lunch and when we lleft again it ran for two mins then seemed to go into limp mode. It will idle and run to maybe half throttle. Anything past that and it stalls or just wont go. I do not know if the water temp light works or not but it never came on. I noticed that even idling there was no water coming from the pisser. I put my hand on the exhaust elbow and it was hot, not warm but hot. I took the ski home hooked it to the hose and the elbow never got hot at all and it pissed water from the front fine. However in the water it will not. Does anyone know where to start or happen to have a manual or breakdown of the cooling system? Thanks in advance. Brett Hayden
2 pennys

i'd check the pump area, maybe take the hose from pump to head, off, and check it. Sounds like, when you "back-flush" everything works, so..think'n its right at the pick-up tube.
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