Ouch - something is wrong - RXT

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New Member
I took my new ski to the dealer to have my 10 hr oil change and wallet flush. I put the ski in the water the next day. At low rpms it had a louder sound but I shook it off as something I never noticed before - I still have no idea if it is something or nothing. After 17 miles of 30-50 mph running I heard a thud and the pump cavitated and vibrated a lot when rpms went over 4200 rpms. I went to idle and all sounded good. It would not go over 4500 rpm without a very heavy vibration and cavitation. I could just barely get it up on plane and do 22-24 mph back to the dock. No debris or anything I can see once we got it on the trailer. It feels like an impeller fin broke off but - just a guess.

Any ideas while I wait for my dealer to open on Tuesday and tell me to haul it back up (3 hrs round trip).

2007 RXT
Bad news Timmobx.

Im not sure of the internals on these. But if its got a floating bearing on the shaft that requires frequent seedoo grease pumped into it.
This might be the part thats collapsed on your's.
They have a needle bearing and seals both ends.
They get hot when theres no grease in them and self destruct.
Let us know if its not that, but something else.

You could have picked up floating debris and forced it through the impellor.:confused:
I would check the impeller with a flashlight and look close at the blades and clearence between the impeller and the pump for dings and dents. You might have something stuck in there from the water.

Well, I took the jet ski to the doctor today. They opened it up and pulled the pump out and it all passed with flying colors - NO Problems. They were kind enough to not charge me at all either.

I removed one small scrap of wood when I inspected the impeller. I discarded it thinking it could not have produced the vibrations I felt, something must be broken. Well, I came home and found that scrap of wood to inspect it like I should have - it had a cut 1/2 half way into it that must have stuck it on the leading edge of the impeller -- and it stayed there for an hour at 4200 rpm. Amazing but I removed it with a stick. The mechanic explained it like a tire that looses its wheel weight, it vibrates like crazy.
I am going out tomorrow to test it - I'll let you know if it was not the tiny f-ing scrap of wood.

Yes, it will!

Yes, it probably was your problem but if it had been wedged between your impellor and pump casing, I'm surprised it didn't chew up your wearing ring.
I have experienced this problem several times in my Stand-up jetski's because I used very wide grates that allowed everythingto pass through It. It was race approved but did little to block debris from the water. I replaced impellers between races if I had to for different race conditions. All it took was a small somthing stuck on blade to produce a vibration.(plastic bottle cap, wood, fishing line ect.) if the blade was out of balance, it was noisy and vibrate like crazy.
First I am glad you got it fixed no charge. Now my ? could you not put a screen over the grate to stop things getting sucked in or would it reduce water flow that much.
Putting a screen over the grate would cause more problems than it is worth. Any small things like seaweed would collect faster and not pass through. Plus it could cause more friction of water passing the pump....which = less perfromance.
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