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i just got a spx 96 trade my 500cc dirt bike for it not a machnic but ive been reading up on the pcw and know about the entire pcw and have turn a wench a time or 2. my qestion is when i got the ski it had the vts boot ripped off only thing left was the rubber the clamps where on. i feel that more water coming in then should. the shaft inside hull has all new parts, and looks like it should from the diagram have not took the boot off inside yet to check the seals from out of water running . waiting for the vts boot to come in to install frist, then see if its still the problem.
the amount of water , when i drop it and the water seemed fine, but did not look good for leak. started it up went about 5 ft then started plaining up once plained i throttled it out went around the island then back to land buy the boat ramp the trip was about 1/4 of a mile .water covered the hull up to the bottom of the batt. early that day i went out for a ride curised about 4 miles out then came back in a hurry and got back to the boat ramp and she had water in it, almost to the black cover would normally hould a air filter . i let it dry
i hope i gave enough info sombody steer my the right way
The best way to find a leak is fill the hull up with some water while on the trailer in your front yard.... find your leak and repair it. im betting it is the drive shaft carbon seal.
Also, if you have never used a torch before then I do not recommend you try it at home, you would be better off by removing the manifold and heating it up in a vise, therefore eliminating the chance of burning ur your ski.

wrong thread, sorry
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a torch what? ive havent tried to fill it with water but when i almost sinked it all i saw was it was leaking where the vts boot was surpose to be. it was missing . how much water could come in at a time with the vts boot not on and im not sure if there was any other leaks cause i thouht that it was the problem and it might only be the vts boot .still waiting for new one on order
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