After removing my motors and cleaning out the layers of sludge I realized how bad the oil was leaking from my tank. So far my fix has been working well. Nothing will really stick to that slippery poly-whatever plastic the tanks are made out of-well until now! Loc-tite makes a plastic bonding superglue, the secret is with a pre-glue activator like a felt-tipped pen that you apply on the area you want to bond. It causes the poly to get porous so bonding can occur.. Clean the oil & gunk off first of course, I used Super Clean and then Brake-Clean. You wait a minute after the activator and then apply their superglue, not sure if their glue is really any different than regular superglue but I used it anyways. After that cures a bit I used several layers of Q-Bond (watch the youtube video on Q-Bond, I can't be without it)! I wrapped a layer of paper towel around the hoses to spot any leakage.