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Oil Tank Conundrum

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New Member
I Recently drained the oil in my 03' GTX. the tank is located directly below the centre storage compartment but i cannot seem to get the top two screws out. However, my main problem is that i cannot seem to get the fuel line back into the oil tank. I believe it has a rubber cork shaped head that is designed to seal when inserted. It was easy enough to pull it out to suck out the oil in the tank but i cannot reinsert it into the tank as i cannot get the required force to get it back in. Any suggestions for roving the top storage compartment or how to get the cork back in?
Are you talking about the rubber gromit that goes in the bottom of the tank ? If you are dont force it, I did that and cracked the tank.. Had to replace all that Tank and Gromit.
no it is inserted into a circular hole cut into the top of the plastic oil tank. it is almost directly below the center storage compartment directly aft of the stearing console.
my apologies dlowings it is a grommet however it is the one on the top of the tank as shown Here

Its number 25 that i am having trouble with
It's the same grommit, I bet if I spent the time to look up the part number they are one in the same.. I had the same issue with the lower grommit. after a few years they get hard.. Interesting thing was that when I ordered a new one it slipped right it... I remember thinking to myself this thing is going to leak bigtime, but it never did... I tried to force the old grommit in and that is what split my tank. All I can say is be carefull. Maybe sit it out in the sun and let it soften up if your not waning to spend 5 bucks on a new one. it does not screw out, it pulls out as there is only ONE lip holding it in. BE CAREFULL . the good thing is your working with the top of the tank, when I was working with the bottom grommit I ran into huge issues. It ended up costing me a brand new tank.. By the time I got done with it the thing worked like a charm. Never leaked a drop, but I learned what not to do the hard way...
The part number is 293720008 and after looking it up I did find the part number for the top and bottom grommit are the same.. You can order the grommit from any seadoo dealer. I have a few places I go online, I think you can even order the part from this web site under one of the links.
Ah sorry it looks like i have a 96 sea doo and what i had thought was the grommet is actually the oil level sensor. i doubt it was supposed to come out in the first place but how do i get it back in?
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