oil in cylinder

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New Member
im new to the forum,but i have a 97 seadoo gtx. a few years back metal shavings got into the engine oil and damaged the pistons and cylinders pretty bad and burnt the pitons up..... the other day i ripped it apart honed out the cylinders which look fine and put all new pistons and gaskets in it....when i started it up it would run for a few seconds than die, when i removed the sparkplugs they were full of oil and the cylinders were shooting oil out of where the spark plugs would go.....what could be causing this? only thing i can think of is the cylinders got wrapped from gettin to hot and is leaving a gap for oil to rise from the bottom of the engine. thanks
Which engine?....

In that year, the GSX came as a limited with the 951cc engine or the RFI, which was the 787cc.
With the info you've given, I'm going to assume that it's the 787 RFI because from your description, it sounds like those metal shavings ate up your seals on your Rotary shaft chamber. If you pull up the exploded view of the 787 crankshaft, you'll see, in between the two connecting rods, there is a worm gear. That worm gear drives your rotary shaft and rotary valve, which is used for timing of air induction. That rotary gear chamber is submerged in oil that is supplied by your oil injection tank. If you look on the side of the engine, directly in the middle, on the port side, toward the bottom, you'll see it. It's kinda hard to see because it's a bit hidden by the exhaust.
That's the only way you can have that kind of oil shooting out of your spark plug holes. The 951 uses reed valves. There is no rotary valve. That's why I assume you've got the 787.
Let me know, if it's the RFI or the Limited. And like I said, if it's the RFI, your going to be dropping that crankshaft, to replace those seals. That's the only way to stop your oil leak.
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