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OEM parts and motor rebuilds....

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Premium Member
Premium Member
I wanted to make a thread about an issue I've seen in the forum a few times. This time, it's lead to a member being out several hundred dollars.

So many times, when a member is trying to do an engine build or replace an upper end, they buy parts here and there. When you do this and it fails, there isn't anyone you can turn to. Your just out that money. I can understand, running on a limited budget, sometimes it's necessary. But, if so, understand the specifications of what the bore should be and what it will be when it's finished. Match the pistons to that bore. Know how to read a set of inside and outside micrometers. They are imperative to seeing for yourself, that they meet that specification.

Here at Seadooforum, we offer our parts through a well known distributer who guarantees their parts to be new or specifically OEM certified. This is paramount when something goes wrong. Your not standing alone, in the cold, wondering what to do next.

Sadly, we do not sell remanafactured engines. I buy those through Short Block Technologies (SBT). The reason? I've bought 12 of their engines or upper end kits and they have always sold me somthing that when I mic it out, measures to those specifications.

This might sound like an advertising plug, it's not. I have advised many people before in the past, to purchase items needed from a place such as the ones I've mentioned and they decided to go another route. I'd like to think that most that do this, have successful results. But I think even these guys (or gals) will tell you, your on your own when you take the responsibility to take this challenge.

Blown motor? Bad compression? .......make a decision on which steps your going to take by weighing your real experience in doing this job and the few dollars it's going to cost extra for someone else to do it but guarantee that it will work for the time they give you. Whether it's a 90 day guarantee or a 1 year gurantee, it's better than no guarantee at all.................:cheers:
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