nothing happens when starter button pressed on1997gsx

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big island

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Premium Member
I get two beeps when lanyard installed but nothing happens when starter button pressed.I started it last night and everything was alright,went to start it today before taking it out and nothing happens.Swapped batteries from my other ski (same ski)and nothing.Checked the fuses (o.k.)what a bummer on a beutiful day for skiing.Any ideas on what else to check
Is there power going to the starter? The 2 beeps tells you everything is ok to go, but the starter wire or the connection might not be good. Check the wires and use a multi meter to see if you have power to the starter.
tried starting today and it cranked twice without doing anything then it would not start again.Tried jumping the starter with a screw driver accross the red leads and it did crank the engine....any ideas.......thanks
Are you talking about the red leads on the starter solenoid? If so it could be a bad solenoid.
got it going

Yes, it was the red leads...tried shooting some lectra clean(contact cleaner)on all the contact points in the box were the relay is located and got it going.Dont really know what contact it was.Quite surpised as all contacts looked clean and these skis were never in salt water although they will be shortly......Aloha

If you get the beeps but no start when you push the button, then the start button can be bad. If you can jump across the solenoid and start, then that start button is probably going to be your problem. You don't have to buy the one exactly from seadoo, a regular 12 volt start button from the auto parts shop will work fine. You may have to modify the hole a little
I would check for continuity through the start switch first before you replace it.
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