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Not responding to key, dash not lighting up - 2019 GTI 130

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My 2019 GTI 130 ran about 2 months ago, but now won't come on. Nothing responds. It doesn't respond to the key, the dash doesn't light up. Its not the battery, tested with multiple good batteries.

Replaced the main relay and still no go. Swapped the starter solenoid with another, and nothing. Jumped the starter solenoid and it turned the engine over.
I am leaning towards corroded wiring harness, or secondary relay.
How can I diagnose the wiring harness?
Download a service manual for your particular ski, wiring diagrams are included. The power up circuit is pretty straight forward.
I’m having the same problem did you ever get it worked out thanks
My mechanic is working through remote troubleshooting with me. He is teaching me how to measure voltage drop test. It turns out that my main relay is not getting the proper voltage. I am troubleshooting the wiring harness.

I think I am going to cheat and just run a direct 12v wire with a 30amp in line fuse directly to the main relay.
When I jump from the battery to the main relay, everything powers up perfectly. I am getting a low current to the main relay somehow.

Most people with this problem solves it with a new main relay. I swapped relay and solenoid with my other ski and it didn’t fix it.

what year is your ski?
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